
W.O.D. 6.10.21


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Bench Press

Cash out:
3 Rounds of:
7 Dumbbell Bench Press (As Heavy As Possible)
5 Strict L-Pull-ups
40/30 Calories Air Bike

“Progress is not inevitable. It’s up to us to create it.” 


  1. 7a Zoom
    Theresa L 5Rds @ 25# 7:09 @ 20# RR, 30cals row
    Anna C 5rds @ 15/20# 7:05 @ 15#, Bentover rows, 38cals C2
    Cherie 5rds @ 20#, 7:45 @ 15#,20#DB Bentover rows, 3min run

    Mariela 55# =) 15#DB
    Julia 95# 5:52 (25DB/Strict Pull up)
    Mak 135 PR! 6:40 (5/3 L-pull ups)
    Kate C 120 PR 5:10 40#/Band Strict
    Dan 205 6:30 (70DB/strict PU)
    Brian S 255 5:57 (70DB)
    Subhan 165 8:30 (65)
    Shawn 175 6:35 (60DB/3 strict PU)
    Aashish 165 6:00 (50DB)
    Mike S 115 8:38 (35DB, Strict PU)
    Brad 115 7:40 (40DB, Band strict)
    Kevin B 145 5:51 (45DB)
    Rahmon 155 7:24 (45DB)

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 115/ 7:00 (40#)
    Cate 145/ 8:30 (50#)

    Jackie 135 7:11 (40#) band
    Dana H 135 8:06 60/55#
    Alex Brom 110 pr! 6:21 35# band
    Emily G 75 5:47 30# band
    Meredith 100 7:06 35# band

  3. Masters
    5 RM Bench
    AMRAP in 5:
    5 cals cardio
    7 DB bench
    9 DB bent over row

    Barb C 65 (3 + 12 20# c2 bike)
    Lee 45 ( 3 + 5 12# runner)
    Kathy 55 ( 3 + 3 15# row)
    Ina 70 (3 + 9 15#+ c2 bike)
    Terry 70 (4 + 5 20# c2 bike)

  4. nooner
    Colette 100 7:43 35# strict PU
    Meg D 90# PR 8:35 35# / 25#
    Ben B 235 PR! 10:50 70#
    Matt Tax 205 9:13 50#
    Rich A 235 5:43 65#
    Jess A 100 PR! 8:51 35# band
    Remer 165 6:39 (50#)
    Jess S 70 8:12 25# band

  5. 4:30
    Alex Turner 120# 9:21 35# bspu
    Marissa A 115# 8:11 spu 35#
    Karen Mal 115# 7:49 35#
    Mike M145# 7:47 35#
    Joe M 185# 11:02 65#
    Donna 72.5# PR! 7:23 25# bspu
    Joe S 195# 6:26 50#
    Karen Mas 90# 7:28 30#bspu

  6. 5:30
    Laura S 72.5# PR! 9:44 30# bspu
    Erica R 90# 8:30 30# bpu
    Danielle C 70# 9:19 25# bpu
    Johnathan 195# 11:58 (1/2 65# 1/2 60#)

  7. Susan 90# (4@95#) 6:25 @ 30#DB/30cal Row
    Manisha 75# (4@80#) 6:02 @ 25#/30cal row
