
W.O.D. 5.28.21



Join us on ZOOM... 
6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

Push Press 

Cash out:
Three 2-minute rounds of: 
 20 dumbbell box step-ups 
Max reps of dumbbell push presses 
 Rest 2 minutes between rounds 
 ♀ 35-lb. DBs and 16-in. box 
♂ 50-lb. DBs and 20-in. box

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." 
-Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. 6am
    Mike Mel 215/ 67 rx
    Mark Sp 175/ 46 rx
    Jamie Sp 135/ 63 rx
    Kate C 135 pr/ 22 rx
    Subhan 185/ 41 rx
    Mke San 125/ 44 (30)
    Sean F 255/ 90 rx
    Kevin B 155/ 63 (40)
    Mike C 145 pr/ 52 (30)
    Rahmon 155/ 29 (45)
    Bill 155/ 52 (35)
    Clara 75/ 51 (20)
    Ben M 155/ 74 (35)
    Brian S 225/ 57 rx

  2. 9:30
    Jackie 135# 87 (25#)
    Leah 88# 73 (20# 13 inch box)
    Dana D 115# 45rx
    Mary 115# 48 (25#)
    Missy 80# 28 (25#)
    Jill 95# 52 (25#)
    Tim H 145# 44 (30# 17 in box)
    Alex B 120# 63# (25#)

  3. 12pm
    Megs 105/ 80 (25, 15")
    Pam 125/ 84 (65#bb)
    Jess D 95 pr/ 61 (20)
    Lauren D 115/ 51 (25)
    Meredith 110/ 65 (25)
    Rich A 235/ 93 rx
    Alexis 115/ 54 (30)
    Jess A 115 pr/ 97 (15)
    Alex 115/ 54 (30)
    Karen Mas 115/ 66 (30)
    Geoff 160 pr/ 101 (25)

  4. 430
    Ben 195 Pr/ 50 sc
    Mae 90/ 77 (13”, 15)
    Karen mal 120/ 46 rx
    Jill m 165/ 86 rx
    Mchugh 155 Pr/ 37 (30)
    Alex t 125/ 48 (25)
    Laura s 92.5/ 57 (25)
    Joe m 165: 44 (13”)
    Natalie d 125/ 92 (25# pp)
    Dana h 135/ 71 rx

    Alex brat 55 (65x 1)/ 50 (15)
    Erika 85/ 53 (20)
    Luis 135/ 48 (35)
    Frank 235/ 62 rx
