
W.O.D. 5.24.21


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6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

3 rounds for time of: 
 20 burpees 
21 dumbbell snatches 
12 dumbbell thrusters 
 Use a single dumbbell on the snatches and a pair for the thrusters. 
 ♀ 35-lb. DBs ♂ 50-lb. DBs

Cash out:
5x5 Strict Chest to Bar (or weighted) Pull-ups

"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men." 
-John F Kennedy


  1. nooner
    Pam G 9:36 SA thruster
    Colette 8:07 25#
    Carl B 9:48 Rx
    Emily G 13:30 30#/25#
    Matt Tax 12:48 rx
    Alex Br 17:01 rx
    Kevin H 9:27 35#
    Gordy 10:50 25#
    Pete D 15:29 Rx
    Jess A 19:07 25/15
    Jess D 14:30 20#
    Dave H 13:07 rx
    Meredith H 13:09 35/30
    Jill H 14:58 30/25#
    Ana C 10:46 rx

    Geoff 14:10 25#

    Aimee 9:40 Rx
    Cate 13:04 Rx

  2. 6a
    Natalie 16:40
    Mak 14:53 Rx
    Dan L 12:40 35#
    Greg 16:00 Rx
    Clara 14:08 20#
    Subhan 14:48 Rx
    Sean F 8:36 Rx
    Favour 16:25 15#
    Kate C 15:38 30#
    Mike S 16:27 25#
    Kevin B 12:57 45#
    Ben m 14:24 35#
    Rahmon 15:03 40#
    Susan A 14:43 30#
    Manisha 14:47 30Snatch/25# Thruster

  3. Anna C 14:45 (walkouts, 15#DB, ROM thrusters)

  4. Aimee: 9:40 rx
    Cate: 13:04 rx
    Joe S: 13:17 45#
    Joe M: 15:46 (35/25)
    Meg D: 12:05 25#
    Renee: 9:18 25#
    Sam B: 8:26 rx
    Jamie S: 10:15 rx
    Mark S: 15:25 rx
    Olan: 15:38 (40# s-arm thruster)
    Alex T: 12:28 (6 reps 20# and ski)
    Kate A: :)
    Yex: 10:29 (pp 20#)
    Roberto: 9:30 (35#)
    Matt E: 17:08 (40#)
    Marissa A: 10:12 rx
    Ryan P: 11:33 rx
    DD: 11:38 rx
    Alex Bra: 12:18 (15#)
    Danielle C: 12:31 (20#)
    Erika: 11:35 (10 thrusters 20#)
    Max: 15:29 (40# s-arm thruster , alt DB snatch)
    Ben B: 18:22 20/10/10 burpees
