
W.O.D. 5.22.21


AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
25ft. OH Walking Lunge (65/95#)
8 Burpees
25 ft OH Walking Lunge (65/95#)
8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Cash out:
Tabata -L-sit 

"Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries." 
-James A. Michener (1907-1997), American author

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Danielle 6+18 OpenRx
    Donna 6+8 55 band
    Ana 6+13 Rx
    Mak 6 Rx
    Karen 6+2Rx
    Jess 6+9 45 pu
    Gret 6 Rx
    Sam 8+18 pu
    Jamie 7+5 OpenRx
    Renee 7+18 55 pu
    Dana 6+13 Rx
    Megs 5+13 Rx
    Mark 6+5 Rx
    Missy 4+10 45 pu
    Ben 4+18 pu


    Roberto 6+10 65
