
W.O.D. 5.18.21

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Meeting ID:826211138960

    zoom password 321go

3 Rounds for time:
800 M run OR 1000 M Row
25 Handstand Push-ups

 It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. 
-Albert Einstein (1879-1955), physicist and developer of the theory of relativity


  1. 7a zoom
    Kevin M 20:50 Stinkbug/PushUp
    Theresa L 19:02 Landmine lunge+10 stinkbug
    Anna C 21:30 incl push up
    Jaya 22:54 knee push up
    Cherie 23:19 box HSPU

  2. 6 am
    Rahmon 26:30 1 mat
    Subhan 24:23rx
    Kevin B 22:07 1 mat
    Mike S 21:25 sb pu
    Kate C 23:24 row 2 mat sb
    Brian 16;52rx
    Favour 24:41row sb pu
    Greg 19:56rx
    Mark 22:18 1/2 1 mat 1/2 2 mat
    Clara 22:59 snack pu
    Mike M 16:50rx
    Sean F 14:58rx
    Dan L 24:12 row hspu sb

  3. 9:30
    Aimee 16:57 Row Rx
    Cate 18:10 Row Rx

    Emily G 19:42 strict 2 AB/row
    Mak 25:30 12 hups row
    Jill H 25:53 2 ab run
    Mary H 25:55 600M run 15 1 AB
    Natalie D 28:03 run 10 hspu/15 1 ab
    Dana H 27:16 rx run
    Alex Br 29:12 1 AB run

  4. Noon
    Geoff 17:16 row/seated DB Press 25#

    Julia C 22:01 rx run
    Ana C 16:48 run rx
    Andrew C 14:40 run rx
    Carl B 14:33 Run rx
    Sam Bo 16:14 row rx
    Pam G 17:08 15 hspu/ row
    Denise C 20:41 15 hspu run
    Pete D 16:28 run rx
    Kevin H 18:50 20 hspu bike
    Meredith H 20:03 row 2 ab

  5. Masters
    HSPU 10
    Stated DB Press 15
    Push Up 20

    Gordy 15:30 c2 bike 2k 25# DB 2 AB
    Kathy 18:03 600 M row/ 10 #DB
    Donna Z 17:46 c2 bike 2x 500 M ski
    Lee 14:06 12 DB/ 400 M run kick ups
    Terry 15:52 15# 400 M run x2 1000 M row
    Suzanne 18:16 2 ab 800 M runs
    Ina 22:58 12 #DB 800 M

  6. 4:30
    Karen Maley 21:13 rx run
    Meg O 15:31 row rx
    Laura Sm ouchie
    Renee 15:03 run plate+ 1 AB
    Remer 12:50 rx run
    Joe S 20:44 1 AB
    Roberto 20:18 rx run
    Chris L 19:01 run rx
    Yex 22:24 15 HSPU/10 1 AB Run
    Natalie Dentist 21:33 run/tripod eccentric
    Meg D 23:35 rx row

  7. 5:30
    Leah 25:43 row bor 26#
    danielle C. 21:52 row snake pu
    Ryan S 21:17rx
    Matt B 24:04 row hspu + pu
    Matt E 22:07 row pu

    Missy 25:24 sb
    Steph C 21:23 3 mat shspu + pu
    Ben 20:41 row sb
