
W.O.D. 5.11.21

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Meeting ID:826211138960

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Strict Press

Cash out:
AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
15/12 Calories Assault Bike
12 Toes to Bar
9 Strict Press (65/95#) *floor
15/12 Calories Assault Bike
12 Toes to Bar
15 Push Press (65/95#) *floor

“If you have built castles in the air; your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
 ― Henry David Thoreau


  1. Jenna 95 2 + 6 rx
    Aimee 90 2 + 11 rx
    Cate 125 2 + 12 rx
    Ryan A 202.5 :)

  2. 6am
    Sam bo 185/ 2+73 ttp
    Mark sp 145/ 2+5 ttp
    Jamie sp 105/ 2+6 burpee
    Sean f 202.5/ 3+1 rx
    Julia 5x5@55/ 2+12 (45 rack, tuck)
    Brian s 205/ 2+36 rx
    Subhan 145/ 1+64 rx
    Kate c 105 Pr/ 2+11 kr
    Mak 95/ 2+2 ttba
    Kevin b 120/ 2+22 (85$
    Mike c 120/ 2+75 (c 2)
    Mike San 100/ 1+59 (65, ttba)
    Ben b 150/ 2+25 row
    Rahmon 115/ 1+51 (75)

    Jill h 80/ 1+61 (55, kr)
    Mary h 80/ 1+36 (55)
    Jackie h 107/ 2+4 (55, kr)
    Alex b 105/ 2+11 (55, ttp)
    Emily g 75/ 1+69 (55, ttba)

  3. 12pm
    Jess a 85/ 1+57 (kr, c2)
    Alexis 70/ 2+15 (55)
    Rich a 187/ 2+23 rx
    Pam g 185 safety squat/ 1+70 (105, ttp)
    Ana c 103/ 1+70 rx
    Natalie d 95/ 2+6 rx
    Meredith h 92.5 Pr/ 1+57 (rom tt rings)
    Kevin h 190/ 2+9 rx
    Pete d 150/ 2+7 rx
    Joe m 145/ 1+61 rx
    Dave h 150/ 2+30 rx
    Brian h 156.5/ 2+38 rx
    Geoff 122.5/ 1+51 (75, 150 su)

  4. Masters
    Push Press

    AMRAP in 12
    10 cals cardio
    10 situps
    10 DB strict press
    10 cals cardio
    10 situps
    10 push press

    Mom 35 2 + 40 12#25# siitup c2 bike
    Terry 75 1 + 55 TTB 55#15#
    Kathy 55 2 + 5 situp 35#/ 10#
    Lee 50 2 + 20 25# 12 DB/ situp
    Suzanne 83 3 + 6 assbike 53#15#
    Ina 67 2 + 10 15# ddb 47#

  5. fo-30:
    Yex: 87.5#, 1+50(55#)
    Roberto: 135#, 1+68 rx
    Keith: 135#, 1+59 rx
    NatDen: 35#, 1+33 (35#, ttp)
    Megan: 90#, 2+7 rx
    Karen 1: 80#, 2+24 (55# C2)
    Karen 2: 80#, 2+4 rx
    Laura S: 70#, 1+65 (45# aggressive high knees)
    Jonathan: 145#, 2 rx
    Megs: 85#, 2+6 (C2)
    Donna: 75#, 1+48 55#, rom)
    Joe S: 145#, 1+48 rx
    Olan: 155#, 1+63 C2

    Ryan McP: 175#, 2+28 rx
    Danielle: 70#, 1+49 (45# ROm but got her 1st THREE TOES TO BAR!!!!!)

    Steph C: 72.5#, 1+57 (45# rom)
    Gia: 90#, 1+50 (55# rom)
    Missy: 65#, 1+24 (45# rom but 1st POST COVID TOES TO BAR!!!!)
