
W.O.D. 5.10.21


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6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 28 Minutes:
50 Double Unders
500 Meter Row
5 Rounds of "The Chief"

"The Chief" = 3 Power Cleans (95/135#)/ 6 Push-ups/ 9 Air Squats)

“If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.”
 ― Malcolm Gladwell


  1. Aimee 4 + 51 rx
    Cate 3 + 109 rx

    Gordy 3 + 39 C2 bike 3:00 95#
    Carl B 4 + 52 rx
    Ana C 3 + 75 rx
    Alexis 3 + 15 85#
    Meredith 3 + 57 1 min DUA/ 75#
    Sam Bo 4 + 51 rx
    Ben B 3 + 53 95#
    Kevin H 4 + 10 rx
    Mary H 2 + 128 85/95# 25 DU
    Pete D 3 + 9 (dua)
    Jess D 2 +13 1 min dua 65#
    Jess A 2 + 148 (1 min dua 65#)
    Rich a 4 + 16 rx
    Brian H 3 + 136 DUA
    Remer 4 + 3 rx
    Denise C 3 + 50 75#
    Natalie D 3 + 52 rx
    Dana H 3 + 65 103#

  2. Masters Weightlifting Bench/Deadlift
    Terry 83/173
    Anne B 70 / 173
    Mae 105 / 125
    Mary H 120/ 215
    Kathy 75/163
    Lee 50 / 95
    Steve Z 85/ 225
    Jackie 140 / 275

  3. 4:30
    olan 2 + 136 rx
    Keith B 3 + 51 rx -ish
    Joe M 2 + 137 115#/ 15 DU
    Dave H 3 + 124 rx
    Marissa 4 + 50 rx
    Meg D 3 + 51 85#
    Joe S 3 + 54 rx
    Roberto 3 + 30 rx
    Laura Smith 2 + 55 75# 15 DUA
    Yes 3 + 25 25 DU/ 75#
    Donna G 3 + 50 snake
    Karen Mast 3 + 7 15 DU c2 bike 1000m 85#
    Randy 3 + 51 rx
    Jonathan B 3 rx

  4. 5:30
    Mark S 3 + 100 RX
    Ryan S 3 + 56 rx
    Laura Steppe 3 55#/ 20 DU/snake
    Leah M 2 + 36 75# 25 DU/ incline Push up
    Danielle C 3 + 86 snake 65
    Matt E 2 + 120 snake
    Erika R 3 + 2 snake 65# DU10
    Dana D 3 + 55 rx
    Jess S 3 + 10 25 DU
    Ryan P 3 + 111 Rx
    Alex Br 2 + 105 45# snake

  5. 6a
    Melendez 4+50 Rx
    Sean F 4+103 Rx
    Jamie 4+50 Rx
    Kate C 3+44 200m ski/snake
    Mak 3+109 Rx
    Danielle 3+68 (21cals bike,snake,65# hang)
    Subhan 3+54 Rx
    Mike S 2+81 30DU,95#
    Julia C 3+53 (21cals bike,snake,65hang)
    Ben m 2+63 (115,20DU)
    Clara 3+25 55#,snake,DUA25
    Greg A 3+56 Rx
    Kevin B 3+56 Rx
    Rahmon 3+56 Rx
    Theresa L 3+50 reverse burpee, 20sec plank,9 squats
    Anna C 3+50 penguin hops,15#DB strict press,snake push, bench squats

    John k 3+50 Rx
    Susan A 2+114 85#
    Manisha 2+129 85#

  6. 7a Zoom (tues May 11)
    Cherie 2+18 (20#DB,15DUA, 2min run, Snake)
    Jaya 2+ 127 (30 Single unders, 15# Clean, Snake push ups)
    JP 3+51 Rx
    Theresa 2+136 (3Back Squats, 20sec plank, 9 Lunges)
