
W.O.D. 4.7.21


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6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 22 Minutes:
50 MedBall Cleans (14/20#)
50 Calories Row 
50 Power Cleans (65#/95#)
50 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft)
50 Dumbbell Push Press (25/35#)

"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."
- Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson


  1. 1+37 (basketball cleans, 400m run, 53#, kb thrusters @8kg, 33# bar)

  2. 9:30 AM
    Mary H 1 + 28 (40 reps) 10 WB/MBC
    Steve Z 1 + 53 (30 reps) 10#WB/12#MBC/45#/15#DB
    Jill H 1 + 14 RX
    Donna G 1 + 36 rx
    Dana H 1 + 68 rx

  3. nooner
    Gordy 1 + 51 20# DB/ 75#/14#
    Meredith 1 + 23 Rx
    Jess D 1 + 50 15#db/40#/10 SB 40 reps
    Jess A 1 (40 reps, HPC) 15#
    Natalia 1 + 100 (40 reps / 10 # WB/ 15 DB)
    Pam G 1 + 117 rx
    Brian H 1 + 142 rx
    Kevin H 1 + 61 25# DB
    Natalie D 1 + 56 rx
    Denise C 1 + 3 rx
    Jerry 228 (30 DB 80#)
    Rich A 1 + 50 rx
    Pete D 1 + 13 rx
    Ben B 200 rx

  4. 6a
    Mark S 1+40 hang power clean/30#db
    Subhan 1+33 Rx
    Mike S 186 (14#/65#)
    Julia C 1+12 Rx
    Sam B 1+122 Rx
    Brian S 1+68 Rx
    Kevin B 1+59 Rx
    Greg A 1+20 Rx
    Max 1+22 (30#)
    Aimee 1+112 Rx
    Cate K 1+68 Rx
    Dan L 1+26 (65#,30#)
    Kate C 1rd Rx
    Danielle G 1+66 Rx
    Jamie S 1+115 Rx
    Manisha 239 Rx
    Susan A 1+9 Rx
    John k 240 Rx

  5. Sean F 1+100 Rx + (30#wb, 40#db)

  6. 430
    Megs 1+31 (hg, ghd)
    Dana d 1+60 rx
    Gianfranco 1+26 rx
    Grace 1+16 rx
    Renee 1+83 (55,12# wb)
    Remer 1+94 rx
    Mike mit 242 (30,9’)
    Mchugh 210 Rx
    Olan 205 rx
    Yex 1+36 rx
    Roberto 216 rx
    Joe s 1+38 rx
    Randy 1+15 rx
    Jeff h 1+46 rx

    Samson 1+42 rx
    Leah m 175 (10#wb)
    Michelle 1 rd (15#,55#)
    Gia 1+6 rx
    Taylor 190 (1 round- 30 reps power cleans, wb, pp- 15/10/35)
    David 1+3 rx
    Ryan p 1+63 rx
    Bhargav 225 (85,30db)
    Danielle c 1 round (12/10, 55, 15db)
    Alex b 220 (35,10,10wb)
    Matt e 1+6 rx
    Chris d =)
