
W.O.D. 4.30.21

Join us on ZOOM... 
6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

For time:
1-10 Squat Snatch (85/125#)
10-1 Parallette Handstand Push-up (4" ladies/7" men)

“Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.” 
― Jack Dorsey


  1. 9:30
    Jill 19:65 65# 2 am
    Karen Mal 26:54 1 par. kick up + HSPU 25# plates
    Pierce 19:00 ring rows DB Snatch
    Cate Kelly 25:30 plates 2 in depth
    Aimee 20:00 rx

  2. 6a
    Melendez 26:50 Rx
    Sean F 19:55 Rx
    Greg A 31:00 (115/4" def)
    Mark S 26:05 (115/1ab)
    Jamie S 26:17 (75#/2.25" def)
    Sam B 16:50 1ab
    Mak 23:17 (1ab/80#)
    Subhan 29:49 (100 ROM/1ab)
    Julia C 21:56 (65Pwr/2" def)
    Briana K 22:12 (65#/seated @25#DB)
    Mike S 24:54 (53#/Box HSPU with 3" def)
    Ben M 22:02 (95#/1abm)
    Kevin B 25:01 (105#/2-3" def)
    Rahmon 23:51 (75#/2ab,1abm)
    Jeremy D 20:00 (sq clean @95#/2" def)

  3. 12pm
    Dana d 19:22 (65, hspu)
    Pam g 25min cap (no 10/1)
    Meredith 18:23 (65, 2ab)
    Jess d 14:55 (25, 20# press)
    Alexis 21:44 (45, 20# press)
    Pete d 11:55 (115/ reg hspu)
    Megs 21:57 (60, 2” deficit)
    Geoff 19:45. (115 clean, sb)

  4. 430
    Samson 24:15 (115, reg)
    Keith 21:10 reg
    Jill m 33:33 (3” deficit par)
    Meg o 20:58 rx
    Renee 24:57 (55, reg)
    Joe s 25:30 sc
    Roberto 20:52 (95, strict)
    Yex 18:23 (55, reg)
    Julie r 23:33 (65, 3ab)
    Remer 33:19 rx

    Dana h 31:16 (2” par/ reg)
    Jonathan 34:19 (3” deficit)
    Alex bratcher 21:43 (15#, push up)
    Danielle c 26:00 (45, 20# press)
