
W.O.D. 4.13.21

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CrossFit Games Quarterfinals - Workout 2
For time: 
 60 GHD sit-ups 
6 rope climbs, 15 ft. 
60 alternating single-leg squats 
50 GHD sit-ups 
5 rope climbs, 15 ft. 
50 alternating single-leg squats 
40 GHD sit-ups 
4 rope climbs, 15 ft. 
40 alternating single-leg squats 
30 GHD sit-ups 
3 rope climbs, 15 ft. 
30 alternating single-leg squats

Time cap 25:00

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." 
- Francis of Assisi


  1. 7a
    Theresa 16:54 sit ups, Elevated RR, air squats
    Anna 17:49 Bar pulls/Bo Rows @45BB, air squats, weighted sit ups (15#)
    Kevin M 19:22 Sit ups, 20#DB BO Rows, air squats
    Jaya 20:32 sit ups, 10#DB BO Rows, air squats
    Cherie 22:30 weighted sit ups (10#), BO Rows (15#), scaled pistols
    JP 24:02 MB Sit ups (20#), Elevated RR (x3), pistols+85# Squats

  2. 6am
    Sean F 257 (1/2 cal ass bike for ghd)
    Julia 255 (ab, 10', 40-30-20-10 pistols)
    Subhan 21:46 (1/2 ghd and pistol, curtsy)
    Kevin B 21:02 (40-30-20-10)
    Mike C 318 (ab, curtsy)
    Kate C 280 (10', ab, curtsy 40-30-20-10 pistol)
    Greg A 18:49 (40-30-20-10)
    Rahmon 293 (ab, 17" left leg)

    Jenna 19:23 (40-30-20-10)
    Lea =]
    Aimee 269 rx
    Cate 236 rx

    Jill H 22;59 (1/2 ghd and rc, curtsy)
    Mary H 21:54 (40-30-20-10, 1/2 ghd and ab, curtsy, 3-2-2-1 rc)
    Emily G 19:58 (40-30-20-10, 1/2 ghd and ab)
    Manisha 17:16 (40-30-20-10, sc pistols)
    Brian H 281 rx
    Natalia 22:26 (40-30-20-10-20-30, box, pulls, ab)
    Juliette 23:57 (40-30-20-10-20-30, curtsy, ab, pull)

  3. Dana H 295 rx
    Denise C 181 rx
    Ana C 236 (1/2 ghd 1/2 ab-mat)
    Matt Tax 209 rx
    Carl B (1/2 ghd 1/2 ab-mat)
    Rich A 325 rx
    Pete D 20:26 abmat/pistol to 13" box
    Chris L 275 (1/2 ghd 1/2 ab-mat)
    Dave H 251 abmat
    Meredith 306 10ft rope/ pistol to box
    Natalie D 267 (1/2 ghd 1/2 ab-mat) 1/2 pistol 1/2 ROM pistol 4/3 rope climbs
    Sam Bo 22:06 10 ft ROM pistol abmat
    Pam G 311 rx
    Geoff 24:57 stiups/strict pulp/curtsy pistol
    Jess A 271 abmat 3 pulls curtsy pistol

  4. Masters
    40/30/30/10 reps and 2 rope climbs per round
    Kathy 18:34 20" pulls
    Ina 17:51 abmat/20 (30#)row for rope sub/ 16" box
    Anne B 21:15 10ft 17"
    Jason L 196 reps 15ft / 16' box
    Terry J 19:52 15ft/ 17 " box

  5. 6:30
    Emma 270 Air squat
    Leah 249 lunges cal bike ring row
    Gia 225 (50 down) box pistol
    Taylor 273 10ft box su
    Michelle 366 10ft box su
    Steph C 252 box pistols
    Matt E :)

  6. 4:30/5:30
    Randy 247 rx
    Olan 341 ab/box
    Jonathan 24:12 40/30/20/10
    Roberto 335 ab/box
    Joe TFHW
    Karen 1 23:29 RC 4/3/2/1 ab curtsy
    Karen 2 274 rx
    Meg O 274 rx
    Nat Dentist 440 ab/box/bj
    Mike Mit 341 ab/box
    Laura S 24:10 40/30/20/10 some ghd/some pistols

    Ryan P 19:05 40-10 reps
    Meg D 19:18 40-10 curtsy pistol
    Danielle 17:16 10/box/ab 40-10
    Mak 16:55 40-10
    Bhargav 19:53 40-10 ab/box
