
W.O.D. 3.9.21

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Meeting ID:826211138960

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AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 GHD Sit-ups
12/15 Calories Air Bike

"Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them." -Anonymous


  1. 8+2 (bent rows @83#, v-ups, 30 dubs)

  2. 7a Zoom
    Anna C 8+5 65# BO Rows,15# sit ups, 15cals C2
    Jaya 7Rds 10# BO Rows, 5# 10# sit ups, 0.7mi run
    JP 7+4 Band 1rd, 20#sit ups, 20cals row
    Theresa 9+5 55# BO rows, 15# sit ups, 15cals
    Cherie 8 20# Bo Rows, 10# sit ups, 15# Devil's Press

  3. 6am
    Colette 6+12 (20 sit ups)
    Meighan 6+20 band
    Subhan 6+3 rx
    Mark sp 7+9 rx
    Jamie sp 7+7 rx
    Sean f 11+2 rx
    Mike c 7+17 ab
    Kevin b 7+15 rx
    Kate c 6+25 (band, ab)
    Julia 6+16 (band, ab)
    Rahmon 7+16 ab
    Mike San 6 ab
    Emma 6+12 rx
    Brian s 9+2 rx

  4. 12pm
    Jason 7+16 band
    Jess A 8+10 (c2, bent over row)
    Rich A 8+7 (strict c2b) rx+
    Meredith 8+5 (band pu, c2)
    Dave H 7+22 (ski +c2)
    Pete D 7 (strict c2b) rx+
    Matty Bo 7+28 (bent over row)
    Sam Bo 10 rr
    Jess S 6 (band, rom ghd)
    Chris L 7+1 rx
    Carl B 9+19 rx
    Matt Tax 6+26 rx
    Kevin H 7+15 rx
    Pam G 8+24 rx
    Geoff 8+5 (strict pu, 15 sit ups, 20 dua)

    Ina 5+18 (sit up, bent over row, du+run)
    Terry 7+15 (band c2)
    Lee 7+5 (runner 1:00, sit up, rr)
    Kathy 6+12 (c2, rr)

  5. 5:30
    Mak 6+25rx
    Danielle C 6 band ab mat and ghd
    Chris D 5+13 rr ghd rom ab mat
    Randy 7+21rx
    Bhargav 6+9 ab mat and ghd

    Ben 6+17 sa bor 53#kb
    Michelle 6+5 band 5ghd every other round (eor)
    Taylor 5+6 band ab mat
    Natalie D 7+25 band ab mat
    Leah 6 band mountain climbers
    Matt E 6+4 band
    Max 7+15 ab mat
    Steph C 6+3 ghd eor band

  6. 930
    Shawn 7+20 band
    Emily g 7+3 band
    Missy 5+34 (20 sit up, band)
    Brian h 10+ 16 rx
    Jill h 6+17 (band)
    Mary h 7+16 (c2, band)

    Cate 7 rx
    Jenna 8+13 rx
