
W.O.D. 1.29.21

Join us on ZOOM... 
6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

7 rounds for time of: 
 Row 100♀ / 150♂meters in as few pulls as possible 

 After each row, perform 1 bodyweight front squat for each pull taken — e.g., if it takes 12 pulls on the rower, complete 12 front squats before starting the next round. Reset the rower prior to each round. 

Score is time and number of pulls for each round.

 Scaling options: 
This workout encourages hard pulls on the rower. Increase the damper setting and slow your cadence to minimize the number of pulls each round. Choose a front-squat weight that is heavy but can be completed unbroken when fresh, scale to 3/4 body weight or less if needed.

All weekend classes (Sat. 9/11 AM) are at the Lyons Den 555 W. Beidler Rd, King of Prussia!

"A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success." 
- Joyce Brothers


  1. Noon
    Ben 20:51
    Pam 1:14 (7)/ 1:14 (7)/1:16 (7)/1:27 (7)/1:23 (7)/ 1:32 (7) 138#rx
    Meghan 1:18 (8)/1:20 (7)/1:20 (7)/ 1:25 (7)/ 1:19 (6)/ 1:22 (6)/ 1:26 (6)
    Jess D. 1:20(8)/1:30 (9)/ 1:36 (9)/ 1:30 (9)/ 1:35 (8)/1:39 (8)/1:36 (8)
    Johnathan 1:43 (11)/ 2:14 (10)/2:30(9)/ 2:30(8)/ 3:20(8)/ 2:00(8)/1:50(8)
    Meredith 1:21(8)/1:40(8)/ 1:32(8)/1:43(8)/1:45(8)/1:42(8)1:45(8) 125#
    Sammy Bo 1:07(8)/1:11(8)/1:13(8)/1:20(8)/1:13(8)/1:11(8)/1:20(8) 205#rx
    Rich A 1:20(8)/1:19(7)/1:11(7)/1:10(7)/1:06(7)/1:05(7)/1:03(7)
    Lea 1:00(6)/1:03(6)/1:08(6)/1:00(5)/:58(5)/:55(5)/1:00(5) 165#rx
    Colette 1:04(7)/1:04(6)/:57(5)/:55(5)/:54(5)/:52(5)/:42(5) 155#rx

  2. 4:30
    Danielle G. 15:38 135# 8,7,7,7,7,7,8
    Sean 1:20(6)/1:40(6)/1:50(6)/1:50(6)/1:50(6)/1:50(6)/1:30(6) 225#rx+
    Keith 1:31(6)/1:29(6)/1:30(6)/1:30(6)/ 1:35(6)/ 1:41(6)/1:18(6) 185#rx
    Ryn S. 1:40(7)/ 1:43(7)/1:50(7)/1:43(7)/1:47(7)/1:51(7)/1:47(7) 170#rx
    Roberto 1:37(7)/1:30(7)/1:15(6)/1:25(6)/1:08(6)/1:25(7)/1:10(6) 115#
    Yex 1:17(9)/1:13(9)/1:21(8)/1:16(8)/1:31(9)/1:12(9)/1:10(8) 95#
    Annette 1:45(7)/1:25(6)/1:25(7)/1:30(6)/1:48(6)/1:55(6)/1:37(6) 115#
    Tyler 1:15(7)/1:30(6)/1:40(6)/1:50(6)/1:50(6)/1:55(6)/1:40(6) 195#
    Cate 1:27(6)/1:28(5)/1:34(5)/1:32(5)/1:40(5)/1:35(5)/1:43(5)
    Laura 2:00(8)/2:00(8)/2:30(7)/1:47(8)/2:00(7)/1:22(7)/1:52(8) 75#
    Remer 1:27(6)/2:05(7)/2:03(6)/2:05(7)/2:12(6)/2:10(7)/2:27(7) 165#rx

    Danielle C. 1:18(6)/1:54(6)/1:28(5)/1:30(5)/1:20(5)/1:24(5)/1:26(5) 85#
    Beenash 1:29(7)/1:29(7)/1:37(6)/2:00(7)/1:35(7) back squat/1:28(7) back/1:22(7) back 75#
    Leah 1:57(8)/1:30(8)/2:01(8)/2:10(7)/2:07(7)/2:04(7)/1:40(6)85#
    Leigh 1:20(6)/1:28(6)/1:29(6)/1:29(5)/1:47(5)/1:50(5)/1:50(5) 115#

  3. 6a
    Mike S 1:22 (8)/1:45(8)/1:43(8)/1:45(8)/1:53(8)/1:54(8)/2:05(9) 105#/100m
    Jeremy D 1:45(8)/1:45(8)/1:50(8)/2:05(7)/2:00(7)/2:30(8)/2:00(7) 135#
    Mak 1:22(8)/1:15(8)/1:24(8)/1:33(8)/1:42(8)/1:53(8)/1:57(8) 135#
    Dana D 1:20(8)/1:20(7)/2:01(7)/2:15(7)/2:15(7)/2:14(7)/2:21(7) 115#
    Julia C 2:00(8@135#)/2:00(8@135#)/2:00(8@135#)/1:35(7)/1:30(7)/1:21(7)/1:18(7) 115#
    Kate C 1:13(7)/1:12(7)/1:11(6)/1:10(6)/1:09(6)/1:26(6)/1:21(6) 115#
    Jamie S 1:13(9)/1:09(9)/1:09(9)/1:07(8)/1:15(8)/1:17(9)/1:19(9) 145# RX
    Greg A 1:29)8)/1:38(7)/1:50(7)/1:40(7)/1:55(7)/2:15(7)/2:07(7) Rx
    Mark S 1:33(10)/1:47(9)/1:51(9)/1:55(8)/1:55(8)/2:00(9)/1:57(7) 155#
    Kevin B 1:47(10)/1:40(10)/2:05(10)/2:12(10)/1:58(9)/2:06(9)/2:04(9) 170# Rx
    SUbhan 1:24(7)/1:30(7)/1:36(6)/1:46(7)/1:48(7)/2:06(6)/1:46(7) 115#
    Theresa L 1:17(8)/1:27(8)/1:37(8)/1:23(8)/1:22(8)/1:21(8)/1:23(8) 85#
    Ellie H 10:21 (7,6,6,6,6,6,6) SDHP@75#/FS@95#

    Jill H 1:09(7)/1:30(7)/1:49(7)/2:02(7)/1:55(7)/1:50(7) 95#
    Alex B 1:19(8)/2:06(8)/2:09(8)/2:11(7)/2:06(7)/2:12(7)/1:16(6) 100#
    Missy 1:28(10)/1:52(9)/2:08(8)/2:08(8)/1:27(7)/2:06(7)/1:20(7) BS@75#
