
W.O.D. 12.7.20


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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

3 Rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)
15 Knees to Elbows
9 Strict Ring Dips

Advent Day 7:
Longest L-sit (M/F Winner)

"If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." 
- Jim Rohn


  1. 12:54 (50 dubs, 12 kg kbs, floor kte, scaled dips)

  2. 12p Zoom
    Anne B 16:08 (25DUs+50MC, 25#Russ, V-ups, bench dips)
    Geoff 18:22 (50DUs+50MC, 53#Russ, ROM, Bench dips)

    Mike Mel 12:55 Rx
    Brian S 14:38 Rx
    Julia C 15:55 (russ,ROM,Box Dips)
    Mak 16:45 (rom,6 strict dips)
    Sean F 12:12 Rx
    Kevin B 15:45 53#
    Subhan 17:36 (Russ, 5dips)
    Theresa L 16:16 (40#,ROM, Box dips)
    Anna C 14:26 (V-ups,30KB, Bench dips)
    Susan A 20:50 (russ, ROM, box dips)
    Manisha 21:00 (Russ, 6 ring dips)

  3. nooner
    Dana H 19:20 rx
    Matt Tax 22:06 rx
    Rich A 13:06 26#
    Matt Bo 17:55 53# RoM/band
    Kevin H 13:57 53#
    Pete D 15:35 rx
    Pam G 17:58 rx
    Meredith 17:15 44# ROM/Jump ring dip
    Ben B 19:46 53# GHD situp
    Leigh 22:31 35# Kip swing/ rower dip
    Mary H 21:11 35# rom/jump ring dip
    Jill H 18:02 44# ROM/Jump ring dip
    Brad L 16:48 RX
    Micah 17:18 rx

  4. 430
    Mchugh 17:35 sc
    Olan 20:13 rx
    Keith 20:43 ring pu
    Roberto 14:57 (53)
    Remer 14:40 rx
    Natalie 20:59 rx
    Megs 18:53 rus band
    Yex 18:55 (44, band)
    Laura 16:24 (band, rom, 44 rus)
    Karen 20:23 (44)
    David dnf
    Joe s 18:32 (55 rom)
    Jonathan 22:19
    Dd 21:50 rx

    Ana 17:58 rx
    Laura 18:57 (35, band, rom)
    Samson 15:59 rx
    Mark s 17:33 (53)
    Jamie 20:56
    Roman 15:54 (2 rds, sc)
    Colin 19:09 (35, band)
    Randy 17:50 rx
    Jess s 19:39 (35, rom, band)
    Bhargav 19:55 sc
    Danielle c 20:19 (26, rom, band)
    Chris l 16:09 rx
    Greg a 17:53 (53)
    Matt e 19:46 (kr, band)
    Danielle 15:56 (45, kr, band)
