
W.O.D. 11.9.20

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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

Back Squat 

For time:
Toes to Bar
Walking Lunge Steps (x2) (one 35/53#KB)
(time cap 10 minutes)

“What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficult, and every difficulty has an opportunity.”
 – J. Sidlow Baxter


  1. 12p Zoom
    Ina 90# 150reps (15#DB/V-Ups)
    Anne 58# (from floor) 157reps (15#KB/V-Ups)
    Geoff 285# 153reps (25#DB)

  2. Back squat #100 from the floor. 35lb plate/v ups

  3. Pam G 195/ 7:30 v up
    Meg D 165/ 6:05 (gob sq)
    Mary H 135/ 160 (ttp, 26# kb)
    Jill H 135/ 160 (ghd, 26)
    Rich A 335/ =]
    Chris L 225/ 8:38 rx
    Ben B 325 pr/ 9:33 (lunge 30-20-10)
    Brian H 275/ 7:52 rx
    Jackie H 180/ 144 (ttb rom)
    Sam Bo 405/ 6:33 v- up
    Kevin H 355/ 8:34 rx
    Meredith 175/ 157 (ghd, 26)
    Brad 225/ 8:58 rx

  4. Aimee 205 7:43 RX
    Cate 195 7:49 RX

  5. Cate 195/ 7:49 rx
    Aimee 205/ 7:43 rx

    Roberto 210/ 9:00 (35)
    Olan 275/ 82 (44)
    Keith 365/ 8:22 ab
    Alana 145/ 10:00 (26# rom)
    Mae 145/ 9:55 (no weight0
    Natalie Deb 85/ 110 (ttp, 26)
    Karen 200/ 114 rx
    Mike Mel 215/ 130 (ttp, 35)
    McHugh 235/ 99 (ele)
    Natalie Dr 185/ 8:39 rx
    Jonathan 275
    Donna 145/ 114 elev
    Laura 145/ 9:19 rom
    Joe 315/ 111 rx
    Sal 235/ 136 (35, ttp)
    Matt Bo 305/ 113 rom
    Randy 225/ 9:32 rx
    Grace 133/ 9:52 (25)

    Raj 265/ 110 kr
    Yex 205/ 9:37 (25)
    Jess M 155/ 9:21 (rom)
    Bhargav 175/ 88 (35 rom)
    Jess S 115/ 132 rom
    Josh S 275/ =[
    Josh M 295/ 10:00 rx
    Greg 210/ 9:10 rx
    Danielle G 200/ 8:24 (1/2 ttb)
    Danielle C 105/ 100 (26, ttp)
    Ana 233/ 7:39 rx
    Colin 175/ 10:?? (35)
    Elina 90/ 95 (ttp, 26)

  6. 6a
    Kevin B 235/9:06 Rx
    Mike C 155/165 (25#)
    Mak 190/9:04 TTB att
    Brian S 275/156 Rx
    Subhan 225/100Rx
    Mike Mel 295/9:54 Rx
    Jamie S 225/8:53 Rx
    Mark S 245/160 (1/2ttb)
    Julia 190 PR! 155 (ttb att)
    Colette 235/8:31 Rx
    Anna C 135/9:30
    Ben M 205 PR!/136 Rx
    Susan A 8:53 (V-ups)
    Manisha 9:53 (1/2 V-ups+1/2 TTB/26#)

  7. Nova (deadlifts)
    Tyler 315/ 8:01 rx
    Cate 215/ 9:56 rx
    Julia 155/ 10:46 (18, kr)
    Alfred 315/ 9:35 (35)

    Jenna 256/ 9:24 rx
