
W.O.D. 11.23.20



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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

Cash out:
AMRAP in 8 Minutes:
(ladder up)
3-6-9-12.... etc.
Clean and Jerk (95/135#)
Chest to Bar Pull-up

 “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.” 
– Anatole France


  1. 12p Zoom
    Anne B 68#, 44 (58#)
    Geoff 170#, 36 (115#)

    Subhan 185#, 43(115)
    Mak 145#, 56 Rx
    Julia C 145# PR! 66 (85#/C2B att)
    Brian S 205# 61 Rx
    Kate C 135#, 47 Band
    Mike Mel 225#, 60 Rx
    Colette 155#, 79 Rx
    Kevin B 185#, 64 (115)
    Anna C 95#, 45 (85# dropped to 65#/Pull Ups)

    Susan 85#, 48 75#/Band
    Manisha 85#, 48 75#

  2. 12pm
    Carl B 230 pr/ 67 rx
    Ben B 185/ 33 rx
    Pam G 160/ 64 rx
    Chris L 195/60 rx
    Jess S 95/ 43 (75, c2b+pu)
    Matty Bo 195/ 49 pull up

    Aimee 140/ 70 rx
    Cate 125/ 75 ttb

    John Mc 145/ 48 (115, band)
    Sal 155/ 60 (95, band)
    Meg D 100/ 56 (75)
    Kevin H 215/ 72 rx
    Laura S 100/ 54 (70, pu)
    Remer 235/ 77 rx
    Karen Mas 125/ 48 (85)
    Natalie D 150/ 58 rx
    Donna G 125/ 56 (85)
    Jonathan 225 pr/ 45 rx
    Joe S 205/ =]
    Pablo 155/ 60 (95)
    Dana D 130/ 65 rx

    Nick C 155 pr/ 50 (95 pu)
    Randy 195/ 62 rx
    Danielle C 75/ 36 (55, band)
    Ryan P 265 pr/ 67 rx
    Ana C 153/ 71 rx
    Sarah J 120/ 60 (70, pr)
    Danielle G 150/ 56 rx
    Laura S 95 pr/ 40 (65, c2ba)
    Greg A 185/ 60 rx
    Elina 55/ 63 (35, band)
    Ryan S 185/ 64 rx
    Bhargav 115 pr/ 60 (85)
    Alex 55/ 60 (35, rr)
    Kayla 55/ 60 (35, rr)
    Mark S 198/ 64 (115)
    Jamie 170 pr/ 76 rx
    Matt E 195/ 62 pu
