
W.O.D. 11.16.20

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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

On Sept. 15, 2020, CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff Flowmaster Kelly Brown passed away after a courageous five-year battle with ovarian cancer. She was 44. Brown is survived by her husband, John, and their two children, a 14-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter. Kelly and John started their CrossFit journey in 2006 and opened CrossFit Agoge in 2007. In 2010, she became a member of the CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff. An incredible wife, mother, teacher, coach, affiliate owner, and friend, Kelly contributed much to all whose lives she touched. She will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Kelly Brown 
5 rounds for time of: 
Row 440 m 
10 box jumps 
10 deadlifts 
10 wall-ball shots 
♀ 20-lb. ball to 9 ft., 185-lb. DL, 24-in. box 
♂ 30-lb. ball to 10 ft., 275-lb. DL, 30-in. box 

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey


  1. 12p Zoom
    Geoff 20:30 24"/185/25# Thrusters
    Anne B 21:18 14"/88/15# 8ft

  2. 12pm
    Ben B 29:45 (205)
    Brian H 22:05 rx
    Carl B 20:37 (24")
    Pete D 29:09 rx
    Sam Bo 21:20 rx
    Meredith 25:23 (14#, step up, 155)
    Jill H 22:57 (14#, 20", 155)
    Mary H 27:11 (14#, 20", 155)
    Jackie H 18:25 (3 rds, sc)
    Chris L 24:31 (225)
    Jess S 30:00 (155)
    Pam G 20:45 rx

    Aimee 22:11 rx
    Cate 24:36 (165)
    Jason 22:29 (ladies rx)

  3. Greg 27:21 @205
    Gianna 27:42
    Lucas 27:51
    Sydney 26:45
    Noah :) 3rounds
    Becca 25:29
    Justin 27:07
    Cat :) 4 rounds

  4. 6a
    Jamie S 20:45 Rx
    Subhan 24:42 4Rds 225
    Kevin B 24:47 215
    Mike C 25:41 20"/165/20#
    Mike Mel 23:34 Rx
    Julia C 25:29 135
    Colette 17:04 Rx
    Rahmon 28:11 (185/9ft)
    Brian S 20:22 225sumo/24"
    Mak 24:14 Rx
    Kate C 25:24 stepups/145
    Danielle G 21:50 155
    Mark S 24:36 185
    Theresa L 20:43 Step Ups/135/15# 8ft
    Anna C 21:50 9"/125/Goblet Squats 20#
    Susan A 17:27 17"/155/8ft 3Rds
    Manisha 18:02 155/8ft 3rds

  5. 430
    Remer 22:41 rx
    Kev H 23:25 rx
    McHugh 31;50 (225/20#)
    Olan 26:00 (225, 20#)
    Karen M 22:41 (4 rds)
    Jonathan 26:43 rx
    Roberto 21:48 (ladies rx)
    Matt B 25:45 (225, 24")
    Mae 29:05 (175, 13")
    DD 26:12 (165)
    Mike M 24:18 (205)
    Joe S 25:10 (225, 24")
    Jess A 22:09 sc
    Grace A 29:04 (145, 14")
    Raj ?

    Samson 32:27 (rom)
    Laura S 27:52 (17", 125, 12#, pp wb)
    Erike 28:13 sc
    Megs 27:00 sc
    Danielle C 29:13 (13", 115, 14#)
    Randy 29:32 rx
    Bhargav 30:55 (24", 185, 20#)
    Matt E 2956 (225)
    Yex 26:22 (165)
    Colin 26:32 (155, 20#)
    Ana 23:27 rx
    Elina 25:04 (17", 85, 14)

  6. Gordy 17:02 (4rds- ladies rx)
    Jenna 23:28 rx
    Lea 22:52 rx

  7. Nova
    Cate 25:28 (155)
    Alfred 25:40 (4 rd- 225/185, 20)
    Julia 26:41 (12#, 105)
    Annette 26:21 (10#, 115)
