
W.O.D. 10.16.20



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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 18 minutes:
60/45 Calories Row
50 Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Stepping Lunge (25/35#)
40 Toes to Bar
30 Burpees
20 Ring Dips

“It’s the small habits. How you spend your mornings. How you talk to yourself. What you read. What you watch. Who you share your energy with. Who has access to you. That will change your life.”
 - Michael Tonge


  1. 1+73 (50 dubs, 50 bar front rack 33# reverse lunge, 40 v-ups, 30 burpees, 20 scaled dips) took way longer than I thought/ it should have. TGIF.

  2. 9:30

    Stephanie L. 1+35,12#,kr,para
    Karen M. 1+50 Rx
    Missy F. 1+26,15#,kr,para
    Mary H. 1+24,20#,20 ttb,band dips
    Jill H. 1+31,30 kr,box rd

  3. 6a
    Kevin B 1+62 Rx
    Mike C 1+11 25#/KR/ROM Dips
    Danielle 1+45 20TTB/15 band dips
    Subhan 183 Rx
    Julia C 1+27 ROM TTB/asst dips
    Mak 1+50 V-ups/asst dips
    Kate C 1+9 20#/KR/asst dips
    Jeremy D 1+19 Rx
    Mike S 187 KR/asst dips/25
    Josh M 1+31 Rx
    Laura S 1+22 20/KR/asst dips
    Ben M 1+3 30#
    Theresa L 1+30 airbike/single 25#/V-ups/dips
    Anna C 1+37 unweighted lunges/V-ups/dips

    Manisha 1+12 20/30TTB/10Rx Dips+10 asst dips

    Natalie D 1+45 Band Dips
    Sam B 1+95 Floor TTB
    Meredith 1+45 20/V-Ups/asst dips
    Yex 1+41 20/asst dips
    Ashley H 1+61 20/KR/asst dips
    Rich A 1+63 Rx
    Pam G 1+65 Rx
    Colette 1+65 asst dips
    Brian H 1+74 Rx
    Roman 1Rd (1/2reps/scaled)

  4. Randy 1+33rx
    Remer 1+52rx
    Ryan S 1+69rx
    Roberto 1+11rx
    Donna 1+27-v-ups,Band dips
    Mike M 1,#25,ROM TTB
    Bridget 1+21rx
    Meg O 1+107rx
    Joe M 1+30,KR
    Matt E 1+10,#25,KR,band dip
    Olan 1+1rx
    Edwin 1+29 scaled
    John M 1 scaled

    Meg D 1+37 scaled af
    Ben 1+18, SLDL,KR,BAND DIPS
    Marissa 1+10rx
    Gianfranco 1+55rx
    Barghav 1+7,KR,#30,BAND
    Danielle C 123 reps,#20,KR
    Sarah 1 scaled af
    Ryan P 1+48rx
    Nishan 1 #15,KR,BAND
    Julie 1+29,KR,BAND
