
W.O.D. 10.15.20



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Meeting ID:826211138960

Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

"Friendly Fran"
3 Rounds for time of:
21 Thrusters (85/115#)
21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

“Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.” 
- Morgan Freeman


  1. 6a
    Mak 11:18 95# FS/RR
    Subhan 19:40 105#
    Kevin B 14:24 95#
    Mike S 15:28 53/RR
    Jamie S 12:48 Rx
    Mark S 14:50 95/Pullups
    Dana D 17:29 Rx
    Laura A 14:44 65/Pull ups

    7a Zoom
    Cherie 7:28 /Bentover rows
    Kevin M 8:46 50#/Bentover Rows
    Anna C 9:53 45#/Bentover rows
    Theresa L 15:41 75#/Pullups

  2. Aimee 10:06 rx
    Cate 14:58 (11 c2b, 10 pu)

    Brian h 14:33 rx
    Ashley b 13:30 (63)
    Jess a 13:31 (band/ rr, 55 push press)

    Kevin h 10:26 rx
    Rich a 10:05 rx
    Meg d 13:38 (73, pull ups)
    Pam g 12:14 pu
    Nat d 13:58 (1/2 c2b and pu)
    Alex t 16:03 pu
    Matt tax 19:22 rx
    Matt e 19:10 (95, pu)
    Missy 17:15 (55, rr/ pull up)
    Alex b 14:50 (75, pu)
    Yex 10:23 (band, 73)
    Meredith 15:16 (65, pull up)
    Geoff 15:18 (75, 5 c2b 10 pu)

  3. Masters
    3 rounds
    15 cal row
    15 thrusters
    15 pull ups

    Anne b 14:07 (35, band)
    Lee 15:30 (31, kip swings)
    Kathy 14:27 (35, jpu)
    Ina 14:34 (45 fs, band)
    Terry 15:25 (35)

  4. 430
    Remer 9:36 rx
    Karen Mas 12:24 (65, pu)
    Tunde 14:40 (55, pu, 15 reps)
    Haley Mc 12:22 (55, band/ rr)
    Meg O 13:41 rx
    Randy 14:28 (95)
    Micah 14:17 rx
    Roberto 12:20 (95)
    Donna 13:14 (55, pu)

  5. 530
    Samson 15:19 rx
    Bridget 16:29 rx
    Karen Mal 16:35 (21/15/15)
    Colin 17:05 (15 pu, 65)
    Max 18:11 (95)
    Danielle C 15:58 (45, pu/ rr)
    Alana 17:42 (55, pua/rr)
    Bhargav 14:43 (85, 15pu)
    Nishanth 15:40 (55,pua 10)
    Ryan P 14:46 rx
    Nick C 15:45 (75, 10 pu)
