
W.O.D. 9.17.20

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Meeting ID:826211138960

Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
2 Rope Climbs 15ft
4 Sandbag Cleans (100/150#)
6 Burpees over Sandbag

Rest 3:00

AMRAP in 10:00
6 Box Jumps (20/24")
8 Dumbbell Step-ups (35/50#)
10 Dumbbell Front Rack Forward Lunge (35/50#)

“Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” 
– Bob Riley


  1. Jenna 4+1 rx/ 4+12 rx
    Lea 4+8 rx/ 5+1 rx

    Brian h 4 rx/ 4+14 rx
    Ashley 5+1 (10’, 50#)/ 5+11 (20)
    Dana h 3+4 rx/ 4 rx
    Jill h 3+1 (70)/ 4+14 (25)
    Mary h 3 (70)
    Rachael 3+6 (70)/ 4+14 (25)
    Chris l 4+6 (100)/ 3+14 (35)

  2. 12pm
    Rich A 5 rx/ 4+5 rx
    Jess A 5+3 (rca, hpc 25#sb, no push up burpee)/ 6+4 (dl 53, 13", 15#)
    Ana C 3+4 rx/ 4+6 rx
    Meredith 3+8 (10', 70#)/ 4+14 (20#)
    Carl B 5+4 rx/ 5+6 rx
    Jen C 3+3 (50#)/ 5+11 (20#)

    Alan 5+2 (6 lunges, 8 steps, 10 sq to box)/ 3+3 (pulls, 50#, box burpee)
    Kathy 4+1 (35#, burp box, pulls)/ 5 (10#, 13", plate)
    Terry 3+1 (50#)/ 6+6 (12#, 13")
    Gordy 4+2 ladies rx/ 4+4 ladies rx
    Mae 4+5 (50#, 10')/ 4+4 (25#, 13")
    Ina 3+2 (10', bupree, 30#sb)/ 4+26 (15#, 17")
    Anne 3+1 (12', 35#)/ 6 (15#, 13")

    Tyler 5+4 rx/ 4+9 rx
    Cate 3+8 rx/ 5 (25#)
    Annette 3+6 (10', 50#)/ 4+16 (15#)

  3. 6a
    Jamie S 5Rds Rx/5+12 Rx
    Mark S 4+2 (100#SB)/4Rds 35#
    Kevin b 5+1 (100#SB)/4+18 40#
    Mak 3rds Rx/3+10 Rx
    Julia C 5+3 (3Pulls/70#SB)/5+8 (25#)
    Mike M 4Rds Rx/5+8 Rx
    Subhan 2+3 Rx/3+12 35#
    Meighan D 3Rds (70#SB)/5+9 (25#/17")
    Kate C 3+4 (3Pulls/75#SB)/6+2 No weights
    Laura A 3Rds (75#)/5+20/25#)

    7a zoom
    AMRAP in 10mins:
    6 Bicep Curls
    4 Ground to Overhead
    6 Burpees over object
    Rest 3mins
    AMRAP in 10mins:
    6 Box Jumps
    8 DB Step Ups
    10 DB Front Rack Lunges

    Cherie 5Rds/ :)
    Anna C 7+1 (30KB/45#BB)/7+3 (10#Plate/15#BB/13")
    Kevin M 8rds (20DB/53KB)/7Rds (20DB/17")

    Manisha 4+11 (50#SB)/4+16 (25#)

  4. 430
    McHugh* 3+14 (40)/ =]
    Donna* 5+6 (25)/ 3+6 (70)
    Keith 8+14 (3x du, no weight)/ 3 rx
    Roberto 4 sc/ 4 sc
    Mike Mit 4+2 (100#)/ 3+14 (35)
    Nicole M 3+10 (10', 70#)/ 4 (25)
    Olan 4+4 rx/ 3+8 rx
    Marissa 4 rx/ 4+8 rx
    Haley* 6 (20)/ 3 (70)
    Nick C 4+6 (20)/ 3 (10', 100#)
    Tunde 3+2 (70#, 10')/ 3+16 (20#, no weight lunge)
    Remer 4+8 rx/ 4+20 rx
    Johnathan* 5+11 (35)/ 4 rx

    Joe M* 5+4 (35, 20")/ 2+5 (100)
    Samson 5+1 (100)/ 4+8 rx
    Mike D 2+6 (70, rca)/ 2+14 (20", 15#)
    Danielle C* 4(15#, 17/13")
    Dana D* 5+16 (17")/ 4 rx
    Danielle G 4 rx/ 5+6 rx
    Marwan* 4+6 (25#)2 sc
    Alex B* 5 (17", 20#)/ 3+1 (10', 17")
    Karen Mal* 5+20 rx/ 4+1 rx
    Bhargav 4+9 (30#)/ 3 (70#)
    Kevin H 5+3 (100#)/ 6+17 (35#, 20")
    Matt E 2+5 rx/ 3+3 (40#)
    Bridget* 5+1 (70)/ 5+16 rx
    Gia 4+10 (25)/ 3+1 (70)

  5. If you need any kind of YouTube-related support contact us. We deliver third party support for YouTube Activate , our customer service team always ready to fix your problems and provide solutions step by step.

  6. 12p Zoom
    Geoff 4rds (Ring rows/85#SB)/ 5rds (25#/20”)
