
W.O.D. 9.16.20

Join us on ZOOM! 

Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

4 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
15 Squat Cleans (95/135#)
30 Ab-mat Sit-ups

“Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.”
 – Susan Gale


  1. 9:30 AM
    Natalie 29:00 45# (first class!!)
    Dave H 29:48 rx
    Mark C 24:49 95#
    Shawn W 24:28 95# 1 rd squat/1 rd power
    Manisha 28:03 75#
    Dana H 29:18 Rx

  2. Jenna 23:45 rx
    Lea 22:29 (1k c2 bike)

  3. 6a
    Kevin B 21:41 115#
    Mak 24:40 500m Row
    Kate C 25:50 500m Row
    Karen M 23:27 Rx
    Mark S 23:36 115#
    Jamie S 20:01 Rx
    Mike M 23:36 Rx
    Danielle 22:30 Rx
    Anna C 22:30 800m C2/45#
    Theresa L 22:54 65# Hang

  4. nooner
    Sam Bo 20:23 rx
    Matty Bo 29:20 115#
    Brian H 19:17 rx
    Ashley H 20:42 65#
    Ana C 22:14 rx
    Pam G 20:29 rx
    Alex B 25:36 C2bike 1000M/75#
    Meredith 23:52 200 M run 75#
    Jess A 24:37 C2 Bike HPC 75#
    Rich A 20:10 rx
    Susan A 26:34 75#

  5. 430
    Gianfranco 25:26 (500m row)
    Grace 26:26 (63)
    Mike mit 29:35 (105)
    Sal 30:27 (95)
    Samson 26:39 rx
    steph c 24:37 (45)
    Bridget 21:50 power
    Alana 29:06 (65)
    Remer 20:46 rx
    Manny 30:40 (85)
    Olan 30:00 rx
    Karen mas 28:41 (85)
    Leah 30:06 (85)
    Natalie d 23:31 rx
    Dana d 24:40 rx
    Raj 26:33 (200m)
    Roberto 29:05 rx
    Laura sm 22:31 (65, tuck hollow)

    Ryan p 22:25 rx
    Danielle c 26:00 (400m row, 55)
    Greg a 24:35 (95)
    Ben b 30:05 (95, 500m row)
    Laura st 16:35 (55 hpc, 600m c2, 50 crunches)
    Josh s 30:10 (10 cleans)
    Meighan 26:30 (85)
    Bhargav 30:03 (85)
    Anna s 23:38 (70)
    Gia 26:44 (75)
    Michelle 29:40 (53)
    Mike c 27:45 (85)
    Matt e 30:31 (115)
