
King and Queen of Prussia


The 2020 King of Queen of Prussia: 
Every year, CrossFit King of Prussia hosts an in-house competition to crown the fittest members of the gym; with the top male and female being named King and Queen for the year. In addition to bragging rights, the King and Queen receive a crown to wear at their discretion and their names will be forever engraved our the King and Queen trophy. While we may not be able to have a gigantic throw down in the gym, we can certainly still have fun in what has proven to be our best event all year. 

 The workouts will be held over the next 4 consecutive Mondays of October 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th!!! Workouts will be announced here, on the blog and on Instagram on Sunday evenings, You will show up to class on the following Monday and complete the workout, you will have a judge and the workouts will be tracked weekly in a spreadsheet....So....without further ado….here are a few teasers!!! 

WOD 1: “March 2020”. There are rumors of a plague coming to town and emotions span the gamut. Some wave their hands in dismissal but others are trembling in fear. Where will you stand at the end of the workout…making plans for the evening or on the ground gasping for air? 

 WOD 2: “May 2020”. For the most part, the town has come to a screeching halt. Horses are stabled, doors are locked and people are afraid to go near each other. Life as we know it has changed…some for good…some for bad. Where will this workout fall in your skillset? 

 WOD 3: “July 2020”. Is it normal yet? What is normal anyway? Some townsfolk are starting to crack their windows…some braver knights are walking around town but they seem afraid to show their faces…face coverings firmly in place…perhaps they are hiding their pain from WOD 3? 

 WOD 4: “September 2020”. The townsfolk have gone crazy…there is pandemonium in the streets. The built up intensity is palpable and the end is near…everyone can feel it. Can you direct that energy with purpose? Have you done enough to secure your place in history or will you look back full of regret? Go big or go home with WOD 4.

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