
W.O.D. 9.30.20

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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

All for time:
750 Meter Row
5 Rounds of:
25 Thrusters (33/45#)
15 Ring Pull-ups
750 Meter Row

“Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it.” 
– Joel Osteen


  1. 600m run
    5 rds: 25 thrusters 33#, 10 push up
    600m run

  2. Aimee 17:42 rx
    Cate 22:05 rx
    Manisha 26:08 rx
    Yex 24:22 rx
    Dana H 25:23 rx

  3. 6a
    Kevin B 24:25 Rx
    Mike C 33:36 10 Ring PU
    Mak 20:34 Rx
    Mike M 20:15 Rx
    Sam B 16:18 Ring Rows
    Kate C 23:24 7 Ring PU
    Julia C 21:19 8 Ring PU
    Meg D 22:48 10 Ring PU
    Jamie S 21:48 Rx
    Mark S 23:14 Rx
    Sara 21:17 Rx
    Karen M 21:24 Rx
    Anna 18:37 Air Squats/BO Rows (45#)

  4. kevin H 20:51 rx
    Susan A 28:20 romPU
    Meredith 21:59 ROM
    Keith 28:45 RX
    Rich A 19:49 RX
    Jess A 21:32 35# russian KBS KIP
    Matty Bo 24:01 kip swing
    Dana D 20:59 rx
    Pam G 20:47 rom - ash
    Jess S 26:58 RX
    Chris L 23:44 RX
    Brian H 24:15 Rx
    Ashley 24:59 Pullup/band
    Lea 16:45 1500M C2 3 rds 10# thruster strict PU
    Ben B 24:00 KBS 45#

  5. 430
    Ashley b 20:29 (ghd for thrusters)
    Mike mit 28:45 rx
    Sal 27:00 (10x ring pu)
    Steph c 21:58 (15 thruster, bor)
    Missy 23:40 (15#, 5pua, 10 swings)
    Olan 28:49 (10 pu)
    John mc 27:06 (7 jpu)
    Remer 24:43 rx
    Natalie 25:38 (15#, jump)
    Raj 23:00 (swings)

    Samson 22:13 rx
    Laura st 23:13 (15 push, 5 ring pu)
    Bhargav 27:43 (10 pu)
    Nishanth 28:00 (4 rds, 33#, 15 thrust, 10 pu)
    Ryan p 24:01 rx
    Danielle c 25:33 (15 thrusts, jumping)
    Matt e 26:55 (8 pu)
    Michelle h 27:15 (5pu/10 kip)
    Gia 26:44 (5 pu last rd)
    Greg a 26:53 rx
    Ana c 22:29 rx
    Colin 26:33 (15 thrust, 7 pu)
    Roberto 24:12 rx
