
W.O.D. 10.1.20


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Meeting ID:826211138960

Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 18:
50 Kettlebell Swings 35/50#
40 Slamballs 20/30#
30 Box Jumps 20/24"
20 Push-ups
10 Bar Muscle-Ups

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't.” 
– Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. 2+25 (50-12kg KBS, 40 goblet squats, 30 lateral jumps over bar,20 push ups,10 bent rows 63#)

  2. 7a Zoom
    Kevin M 1+126 (55kb/20#DB/dips)
    Anna C 2+11 (20@25# Slam Ball/inc PU/11"/45#BO Rows+Dips)
    Theresa L 1+137 (40KB/15#Medball/10Strict PU+dips)
    Cherie 1+122 (20#DB/20#DB/Incl PU/14")

  3. 6am
    Mike Mel 2+20 rx
    Mak 2+7 (5c2b, 5jbmu)
    Brian S 1+142 rx
    Kate C 1+110 (step, jbmu, box pu)
    Todd N 1+110 (44,25sb,pull up)
    Laura A 1+98 (15#sb, band att)
    Ben M 1+92 (25#sb, box jbmu)
    Alana 2+1 (jbmu, step, 26#, box pu)
    Kevin B 1+74 rx
    Mike C 1+62 (bmua (4))
    Subhan 1+85 (strict pu)
    Manisha 1+114 (1bmu, hips to bar)
    Mike San 1+75 (25#sb, 35#kb, strict)

  4. Aimee 2+70 rx
    Cate 1+130 rx

    Brian H 149 rx
    Ashley B 1+143 (bmua, got 2!)
    Jen K 1+90 (17", band/ jump pu, snake, 26#)
    Mary H 1+88 (15#sb, band mua)
    Jill H 1+115 (15#sb, 5jbmu, 5c2b)

  5. Geoff 1+105 (25# gto, rus, ctb)

  6. 12pm
    Micah 1+143 rx
    Carl B 2+45 rx
    Leah 1+128 (hips to bar, 15#)
    Meredith 2 (step, jbmu)
    Sam Bo 2+25 (strict band pu)
    Ana C 2+29 rx
    Pam G 1+141 (5 bmu)
    Rich A 2 rx
    Sara 1+140 (band bmu)
    Jess M 1+140 (15# pu)
    Jess A 1+148 (17" step, 15# snake, rr)
    Matt Tax 1+82 (2 bmu)
    Yex 2+14 (jbmu, 15#)
    Natalie 1+142 (band hip to bar)

  7. Masters (40/30/20/10/5)
    Terry 2+60 (20,26,13" jbmu)
    Kathy 2+50 (10#, 18#, plate jump, jbmu)

  8. Jenna 1+130 rx
    Danielle G 2+6 c2b

    Cat G 1+120 (band) first bmu!!!
    Tyler 2+7 rx
    Annette 1+102 (jbmu)

  9. 5:30
    Josh S 1 _ 30 scaled
    Greg A 1 + 120 35# 20"
    Ryan P 1 + 94 Rx
    Gia 1 + 140 band PU
    Keith B 1 + 70 20"
    Bhargav 1 + 109 35#/25#/PU
    Nishnth 1 + 50 20#/18/15
    Matt E 1 + 170 C2B
    Colin 1 + 65 35# PU

  10. 4:30
    Roberto 2 rx
    Sal 1 + 100 35#/20" PU
    Olan 1 + 91 Rx
    Jonathan 1 + 91 rx 25#/SB
    Jerry 1 + 141 20"/44/25 Hip to bar
    Meg O 2 + 14 rx
    Natalie DeB 1 + 140 17"/15#/20KB attempts
    Morgan 2 JBMU
    Donna 1 + 142 15# snake pulp
    Missy 1 + 113 17" 35 PU
    Tunde 1 + 132 25#/15#/13" su Jbmu
    Karen Mast 1 + 140 SC
    Laura S 2 + 10 10#/PU
    Max 1 + 70 Pullups
    Dave H 1 + 112 rx
    Kevin H 2 + 19 rx
    Joe S 1 + 114 rx
    Karen Mal 2 + 1 1 BMU 15 pu
    Raj 1 + 91 c2b
    Mike Mit 1 + 56 rx
