
W.O.D. 8.4.20

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Meeting ID:826211138960



Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

10 Rounds for time:
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts
9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
6 Dumbbell Push Jerks
(Dumbbell Weight- Ladies 35# Men 50#)

(This workout will be performed in a"you go, I go" format, with a partner.  One partner will complete the entire round while one partner is holding a sandbag or atlas stone at the shoulder. Athletes choice on the sandbag and/or atlas stone weight. Record weights and times to results)

 "Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly." – Remez Sasson


  1. 6am
    Mike c/ Kevin b 14:42 (35,30#wb/ 50, 100)
    Grace/ Laura s/ mike San 13:01 (25,20 {single leg dl}/ 35,50)
    Danielle/ Jamie 9:56 rx (100# sb)
    Subhan/ brad 15:31 (rx/ 25,30) 50# sb

    7am zoom
    Kevin m/ Anna c/ Cherie 13:57

    Aimee and cate 10:20 rx (70# sb)

  2. 930
    Mary and mak 12:06 (25/50, rx) 70/50# sb

    Carl and rich a 10:18 rx (150/100)
    Jill m and Jess a 11:24 (35,100/ 25,50)
    Pam and Geoff 9:00 (45# plate, 25/ 25,80)
    Fayth/ Steph and Ina =) (dog, kb, barbell)

  3. 430
    Karen M/ Meg S 12:!7 (rx/ 30, 50/70)
    John Mc/ Gordy 10:53 (35, 70/ 100)
    Micah/ Josh 11:54 (rx/ 100)
    Olan/ Raj 10:50 (35,100/ 35,70)
    Matt Bo/ Randy 9:30 (35,100)

    Ben B/ Ryan S/ Bhargav
    Michelle H/ Nick 12:46 (20,15,35/ 35,50,100)
    Ryan P/ Matt E 12:38 (rx, 70/ rx, 100)
    Bridget R/ Remer 11:38 rx (70/100)
    Laura S/ Mae 12:07 (20,50/ 30,20, sa)
