
W.O.D. 8.17.20

Join us on ZOOM! 


Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go


For time:
30 Power Snatch (95/135#)
30 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)

(athletes will complete all 30 Power Snatches prior to moving on to all 30 Clean and Jerks )

Cash out:
for time:
800 Meter Row
800 Meter Run
80 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

“Men die of boredom, psychological conflict and disease. They do not die of hard work.”
 – by David Ogilvy


  1. 6a
    Kevin B 6:20@ 95 PR! 9:38 Rx
    Mike C 5:11@ 65# 12:10 Rx
    Brian S 5:12 @ 105 PR! 10:06 Rx
    Mike M 6:56 @ 105 8:57 Rx
    Mak 7:55 85# 12:30 Rx
    Brad 5:58 45# 12:07 Ski erg (no run)/single leg row
    Anna C 7:00 45# 9:47 Rx
    Subhan 6:55 95# 11:45 Rx
    Manisha 7:47 55# PR! 11:36 Rx

    12p Zoom
    Geoff 9:12 80# 12:15 1600m Run

  2. 930am
    Matty Bo 9:32 (115)/ 13:44 rx
    Susan A 6:35 (55)/ 12:40 rx
    Brian H 7:52 rx/ 9:15 rx
    Ashley 5:39 (45)/ 10:20 rx
    Jess A 6:52 (45)/ 11:44 (bike 1600, plank)
    Rich A 7:41 rx/ 10:22 rx
    Kevin H 6:16 (115)/ 10:19 rx
    Mary H 8:00 (65)/ 13:13 rx
    Pam G 8:00 (85)/ 9:56 rx
    Ana C 7:40 rx/ 11:15 rx
    Ryan P 7:49 rx/ 12:11 rx
    Jill H 7:16 (65) pr/ 12:31 rx
    Marwan 7:00 (75)/ 11:55 rx
    Johnathan 9:20 (95)/ 12:30 rx
    Joe C 7:45 (105)/ 12:03 rx

  3. 430pm
    Samson 7:09 (95)/ 11:19 rx
    Roberto 6:38 (95)/ 10:56 rx
    Donna 7:38 (60)/ 12:45 rx
    Raj 9:12 (85)/ 12:35 (1600m row)
    Alana 8:34 (65)/ 14:00 rx
    Olan 8:15 (115)/ 11:22 rx
    Dave h 6:36 rx/ 13:54 rx
    Mike mit 9:20 (95)/ 13:38 rx
    Gianfranco 8:54 (115)/ 13:54 rx
    John mc 7:59 (85)/ 13:08 rx

    Ben b 9:59 (95)/ 14:21 rx
    Bridget 6:37 (75)/ 11:32 rx
    Laura st =(/ 12:42 (1600 c2)
    Bhargav 9:17 (55)/ 15:05 rx
    Nisham 10:50 (15)/ =)
    Meighan 6:13 (55)/ 12:50 rx
    Colin 8:43 (45)/ 12:20 rx
