
W.O.D. 7.7.20

Zoom with us!
Meeting ID: 160 090 563
Meeting ID: 851 3916 0272
link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/538834397
Meeting ID: 538 834 397

Join us at the gym TODAY (6AM, 12 PM, 1PM Masters and 4:30/5:30 PM) for our "Soft Opening" and second "Welcome Back Week" - FREE for anyone!

Squat Clean

For time:
30 Calories Row
30 Burpees over the bar
30 Squat Cleans (95/135#)

Cash out:
Max Reps in 2:00
Ground to over the Shoulder Sandbag Cleans

"Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can't be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people."
- Lee Iacocca


  1. Noon Zoom
    Geoff 195 12:53 95/regbur
    Tim H 155 16:14 2mRun/115/reg bur

  2. 12pm
    Jess a 113 power/ 10:29 (just burpee, hg pwr 63, c2 bike)
    Rich a 285/ 8:37 rx/ 10@150
    Meredith 105/ 11:12 (65)
    Dana h 155/ 10:48 rx/ 24@70
    Colette 125/ 7:02 rx
    Pam g 165/ 9:31 rx/ 10@100
    Pete d 285 (back squat)/ 6:45 (back squat 155)
    Matty bo 185/ 12:49 (115)

    Reg burpees
    Hang squat cleans

    Kathy 25/ 9:30 (25#, box burp)
    Terry 48/ 11:50 (38#)
    Kathy 25/ 9:30

  3. 430
    Raj 185/ 11:20 (85, reg burpee)
    May 83/ 11:50 (55, bike)
    Randy 215/ 9:45 rx
    Karen mas 125/ 10:17 (75)
    Alicia 135/ 9:50 (65)
    Josh mc 215/ 11:08 rx
    Micah 245/ 9:54 rx
    Tunde 115/ 13:? (65, reg burpee)
    Dana d 145/ 9:53 rx
    Mark c 225/ 10:29 (95)
    Dave h 245/ 7:53 rx
    Roberto 195/ 12:51 rx ass bike
    Mike m 165: 10:25 (95)
    Olan 185/ 12:49!4,
    Danielle 150/ 9:15 rx
    Joe m 175 power/ 8:30 (105 power)
    Ana 165/ 8:43 rx
    Karen mal 145/ 9:45 rx
    Mak 150/ 11:34 rx
    Donna g 105/ 10:24 (55)

    Alex 115/ 12:30 (70)
    Ben b 205/ 14:20 (95)
    Meighan 100/ 11:29 (75)
    Kate s 85/ 13:15 (55)
    Ryan p 255/ 9:10 (115)
    Megan o 155/ 19:28 rx
    Nicole m 135/ 13:51 (65)
    Alana 95/ 11:40 (63)

  4. 6:00a
    Susan A 95#/10:55@55#/13@70#
    Sam B 215/8:05Rx/15@150
    Subhan 175/7:06@17# (15Burpees+15Sq.Cleans)
    Chris L 165/7:55@95/22@70#
    Mike S 130#/12:15@80#/19@70#
    Laura S 100#/9:18@55#/16@25#
    Jamie S 145#/8:03Rx/20@100#
    Mark S 245 Back Sq/8:31 @135BS
    Jessica S 85#/11:14@45#/12@25

    7a Zoom
    Anna C 65#/10:35@35#
    Cherie 14#DB/12:02@11#DB
