
W.O.D. 7.8.20

Zoom with us!
Meeting ID: 808 492 185 
Use: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/583839611
Meeting ID: 583 839 611

Join us at the gym TODAY (7AM, 4:30/5:30 PM) for our "Soft Opening" and second "Welcome Back Week" - FREE for anyone!

For time:
100 Double Unders
21 Deadlifts 155/225#
21 Kettlebell Swings 35/53#
75 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts 155/225#
15 Kettlebell Swings 35/53#
50 Double Unders
9 Deadlifts 155/225#
9 Kettlebell Swings 35/53#

Cash out:
5 sets of 5
Strict Pull-ups
"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."
- Thomas Merton


  1. 12n Zoom
    Tim H 12:08 su/155/30R
    Geoff 11:40 2xsu/225/R

  2. Randy 10:34 (85)
    Keith 14:30 (185, 44)
    Dave h 12:07 rx
    Man 11:33 rx
    Laura a 8:20 (125)
    Ana c 8:37 rx
    Yex 12:40 (135, :90 du)
    Roberto 13:28 (185)
    Mchugh 13:37 (175, su x2)
    Josh mc 10:40 (185)
    Olan 14:09 (185, du 75/50/25)
    Jill h 11:55 (su x2)
    Karen mas 12:16 (su x2)
    Remer 11:54 rx
    Alicia 12:16 (105)
    Matt bo 13:29 (185)
    Mike mit 13:20 (165, su x2)

  3. Nick 12:26 (95, 35, su)
    Michelle 6:04 (70, su)
    Tyrell 11:10 (115, su)
    Taylor 8:15 (45, 18, su)
    Gia 9:27 (125, su)
    Bridget 15:09 rx
    Marissa 9:12 rx
    Ben b 13:54 (185)
    Ryan p 13:26 rx
    May 9:26 (140 trap bar)
    Laura st 10:37 (95, dua)
    Samson 10:04 (185)
    Raj 13:46 (135, 75/50/25$
    Anna 7:55 (95, su)

  4. Aimee 9:21 rx
    Cate 10:42 rx
    Lea w 10:26 rx
