

Check out our offerings on ZOOM today!!! 
JOIN US TODAY AT 6:00 am, NOON or 6:30 pm! 
Meeting ID: 808 492 185 
Use: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/583839611
Meeting ID: 583 839 611
Meeting ID: 965 795 855

Warm- Up:
3 Rounds, :30 at each
Ankle Stretch
Narrow Squat
Jumping Jacks
High Kenes
Butt Kicks

WACKY WEDNESDAY Workout of the Day- Day 48 Quarantine
For time:
Run 400 M (or Row 500 M or Bike 500 M or any 2:00 of cardio)
21 Pistols (Right)
21 Pistols (Left)
25 Sit-ups
15 Pistols (Right)
15 Pistols (Left)
25 Sit-ups
9 Pistols (Right)
9 Pistols (Left)
25 Sit-ups
Run 400 M (or Row 500 M or Bike 500 M or any 2:00 of cardio)

Cash out:
8 Intervals
:20 Strict Knees to Elbows (in plank)
:10 High Plank

"Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it." 
 - Neil Gaiman

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