
W.O.D. 4.12.20

At Home WOD - Day 31:

Warm- Up:
1 Round:
10 Leg Swings
10 total Samson Stretch w/ torso rotation
20 total High knees
20 total Butt Kicks

2 Rounds:
10 Step- Ups
10 russian swings
8 strict press
:20 hollow hold

"Dirty 31---You have made it 31 days in quarantine, let's celebrate!
31 Box Jumps/Tuck Jumps
31 Jumping Jacks
31 Kettlebell Swings
31 Lunges - in place
31 V-ups
31 Strict Press
31 Supemans
31 Thrusters
31 Burpees
31 Double Unders /Single Unders /Penguin Jumps

Quarantine Quads:
8 Rounds of:
:20 Jumping Lunge
:10 Rest

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” 
- Oprah Winfrey

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