
W.O.D. 4.11.20

Join us at 2pm for our Family and Friends Easter WOD!
Get the whole family together at the computer, phone or tablet for some Easter Fitness Fun! Participation is free and open to all! 
Meeting ID:975-183-242
At Home WOD - Day 30:
"Find a Friend"
(but keep your distance- 6 feet)
Warm- Up: 
 5 rds each partner Partner Junk Yard Dogs (over and back= 1 round, under and over for the plank is 1 round)
**If solo, 20 burpees**
 10 total Partner Plank High Fives/ :30 Plank Hold
 10 Press Ups 20 Jumping Jacks
20 single unders/ or penguin jumps

For time/Quarantine Partner WOD:
400 Double Unders
300 Air Squats
200 Sit-ups
100 Push-ups

(You go, I go format...One athlete works at a time. Increase the reps if you have more than one "friend' in your quarantine)

Quarantine Quads:
Tabata Wallballs
8 Intervals:
:20 Seconds Wall-balls
:10 Rest

(Get your "balls", backpacks or odd objects ready!!!)

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” 
- Dolly Parton

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