
W.O.D. 4.13.20

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Workout of the Day- Day 32 Quarantine
Support your Local Box Fundraiser WOD 2!
Warm- Up: (:20 on/ :10 off)
Round 1:
- Lateral Hops
- Scap Push- Ups
- Air Squats
- Squat Thrusts
x2 then...
Round 2:
- Plate Hops
- Push- Ups
- Squat Hops
- Burpee

For time:
100 Double Unders
21 Burpees
75 Double Unders
15 Burpees
50 Double Unders
9 Burpees

Cash out:
Masked Up Mash Up:
4 Intervals:
:20 Seconds Dumbbell Lunge
(one arm in Front Rack, one arm Overhead)
:10 rest
:20 Flutter Kicks

“Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.” 
- Noam Chomsky

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