
W.O.D. 2.7.20

3 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
30 GHD Sit-ups
20 Deadlifts (155/225#)

rest 5:00

Then take 10 minutes to build to a heavy 2 RM Deadlift

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”
 – Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. Alex 18:32,50 singles,235 PR!
    Ryan 16:58,25 DUA,AB MAT,275
    JP 11:34,1/2GHD,1/2 ABMAT,350
    Pete 18:24,25 DUA,ABMAT,305
    Missy 12:33,45 KB DL,50 singles,ab mat

  2. 830
    Aimee 11:04 rx/ 245
    Jilla 12:06 (125)/ 235
    Jenna 13:14 (10 cal ski)/ 265

    Jill H 12:42 (135, su)/ 225
    Tola 12:30 (125, 1/2 ghd, 1/2 ab)/ 215
    Gordy 13:24 (185, 20ghd)
    Emily G 11:28 (35 du, 85)
    Mak 14:02 (x2 su)/ 265
    Subhan 12:51 abmat
    Dana D 12:42 rx/ 205
    Jackie 12:07 (10cal ski, ab, trap bar)/ 265 trap
    Katri 10:25 (105, ab)

  3. 12:15
    Jessie 14:59 25DU 1/2abm 113 ——153
    Laura a 10:31 1/2abm 135—-215
    Tim h 15:59 15du 20ghd 113——315
    Jerry 16:53 185 20ghd —-305
    Rich a 11:55rx ——475

  4. Jeff P: 9:37 Rx 425
    Col: 12:03 10 cal bike
    Braden: 12:54 Rx 225
    Katie r: 14:47 55 55
    Matt e: 14:20 ab 295
    Zohib: 15:22 15 ghd 125 245
    Ryan: 12:54 some ghd 385
    Cory: 15:13 205 20 dub 365

  5. Jeremy D 14:52 Rx 225#
    Holly 16:55 25DUA/half GHD ROM + half abm/135#
    Mike S 19:16 145/10GHD+20abm/245#
    Kevin B 12:51 185#/265#
    Laura S 12:41 20DU/tuck hollows/Good mornings/115 sumo
    Ben M 22:31 155/25DU/20GHD+10abm/225#
    Ellie 15:42 halfGHD+abm/135#/200#
    Donna G 11:30 1min plank/30DU/135#
    Briana K 17:35 Rx 245#

    Sam B 12:55 DUA/abm/405#
    Mike C 13:26 155#/half GHD+abm/265#
    Jamie S 9:29 Rx 305#
    Mark S 13:51 165 :)
    Barb B 12:30 75 Single Unders/75#/abm/125# PR!

  6. Steph C: 11:32 20 ghd 105 185
    SJ: 12:55 ab 105 195
    Gia: 12:24 ab mat su 125 195
    Bhargav: 13:58 su q/2 ghd 135 205
    Chak: 12:38 dua 25 ghd 165
    Laura S: 10:58 su ab 75 155
    Josh: 14:53 su ab 315 275

  7. NOVA
    tyler 9:19 abm/185 --365
    Hannah 14:16 123----230
    cate 11:16 125/romghd----215
    kira 10:30rx----265
    Julia 10:43 30du/85/abm---155
    mike 10:25 2xsu/85/abm
    matt b 11:07 2xsu/half abm/132-----315
    matt a 11:20 2xsu/half abm/135 -----245
    jake 14:55rx-----225

  8. john m 16:34 10du/halfabm/215----325
    ina 15:37 90/20ghd+10abm-----153
    pam g 11:59rx---240
    renee 12:54 25du/95/15abm+15romghd----153
    joe s 11:24rx----X
    raj 14:21 abm----295
    shawna 12:32 105/abm.20du-----155
    alex t 15:31 155/20abm+10ghd----305
    tunde 16:10 abm/135/35,25,25du----245
    josh m 15:567 rx------365
    ben b 15:54 205/25du/abm-----315
    mike m 14:03 155/su/abm----305
    beenash 16:50 95/25dua----x
    bridget 14:42rx---240
    sarah 14:02 2xsu/83/abm-----138
    Danielle c 15:00 103/2xsu/abm----143
    steph m 12:49 abm/155----165
    remer 13:27rx-----365
    karen m 16:49 25du/halfabm----245
    sam f 15:32 165----255
    Samson 12:53 205/haldabm-----305
