
W.O.D. 12.19.19

For time:
 1 round of:
150 double-unders
30 deadlifts, body weight
6 rope climbs, 20 ft.

 Then, 2 rounds of:
75 double-unders
15 deadlifts, body weight
3 rope climbs, 20 ft.

 Then, 3 rounds of:
50 double-unders
10 deadlifts, body weight
2 rope climbs, 20 ft.

Advent Day 19:
Row Sprints: Max time for each distance 100m, 250m, or 500m
(Male/Female winner for each distance chosen) 

"There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make of you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become." 
- Orison Swett Marden


Congrats on your first Rope Climb Cathy!!!!


  1. 6/7am
    Danielle G 33:58 (125#, 1st round 4 climbs)
    Jamie S 31:18 (8,4,3 rope climbs)
    Dana D 35:22 Rx
    Mark S 36:30 (front squat sub)
    Kevin B — practice
    Colin R 37:14 Rx
    King 33:40 (135, 15’)
    Mike P 34:48 (175, SU, 3climbs)
    Marco K 37:00 scale

    Anna 22:35 scaled
    Cyrus K 22:48 (2 climbs/round)

  2. 830
    Aimee 29:45 rx
    Jenna 32:37 (15’)

    Mak 38:05 (50-25-15, 15’)
    Jess a 35:40 (3-2-1 rca, 135#, sux2)
    Ina 37:55 (75-35-25, 10’)

  3. 1215
    Carl B 32:43 rx
    Remer 16:36 (1 rd through)
    Matt 36min super scaled
    Micah =[
    Tim 20:42 scale

    60 du
    20 dl
    1 rc
    2 rds
    10 dl
    1 rc
    3 rds
    20 du
    5 dl
    1 rc

    Gordy 12:42 rx
    Terry 22:00 (- last RC, 103)
    Cathy 16:50 (10' att, 63, 100/50/30 su)
    Jerry 18:48 rx

    Villanova 35:58 rx
    Cate 35:10 (115, 15')
    Frank 33:11 (some su, - last 3 rds)

  4. 430
    Samson 37min (15’)
    Keith 22:46 (rds 2+3, 15’)
    Larissa 35:18 (50 du per, 115, 3/2/1 rca)
    Mike mit 36:08 =)
    Raj ??
    Karen m 32min (155, 4/3/2 rca, 50/30/20 dua)
    Tunde 33:44 (135, su, 10’)
    Andrew m 23:44 rx

    Jeff p 31:12 rx
    Siva 31:49 (175, 10’ att, su)
    Shawna 31:44 (20 du plus su, 70#kb, pulls)
    Colleen 31:56 (145, 15’)

    Laura s 21:23 (1 rd through, rca 3/2/1, 35#kb)
    Matt e 30:38 (3/2/1 rca, 185)
    Zohib 25:30 (10’, 135, su+10 dua)
    Chak 31:46 (165, 60 du+su, 4/2/1)
