
W.O.D. 11.19.19

Helen meets Grace
Partner WOD: – One partner works at a time, split reps up w/partner however you want except both partners must run 400m each time together. 

 For time:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
12 Pull-ups
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
12 Pull-ups
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
12 Pull-ups
30 Clean and Jerks (95#/135#)

 “Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure.” – Brian Tracy


  1. 5:15/6a

    Jeremy/Mike M 13:00 Rx+ (70# KB)
    DD/Jamie Sp 12:44 Rx+ (53# KB)
    Mike C (115#)/Kevin B (115#)/Mike S (95#) 14:16
    Yex (200m)/Holly F (Band PU) 14:20 75#

    Keith/Josh 12:23 Rx
    Danielle G (Rx)/Justine (85#) 14:24
    JP(Rx)/Mike P(Rx)/Anson(35#KB/115#) 13:30

  2. 1215
    Carl and remer 10:54 rx
    Pam and Bridget 12:35 rx
    Manisha and Erin m 12:54 (75/ rx)
    Tim and Pete d 13:46 (rus, c2 bike/ c2b)
    Matt t/ joe c 12:42 (115/ rx)
    Micah/ Jeff 11:04 rx

    Cathy and Poppop 14:58 (35, row, rr/ 75, band, run 300m)
    Gordy and Steph v 13:17 (115, 44/ 83, band, row)
    Barb z and barb c 15:33 (35 band)
    Terry and Anne b 15:40 (50/ 26, 300m run)

  3. Cate and Tyler 11:49 (65, 26/ rx)

    Donna and Larissa 15:58 (85/65)
    Amm and Marco 12:45 (135/85)
    Jilla and Natalie 12:57 rx
    Samson and Marissa 12:32 (53, 95)
    Sean and Roberto 13:45 (rx/ row)
    Jill and Sydney h 15:58 (85)
    Cory and raj 14:53 (rx/ 350,300,200m run)
    Tunde and Ina 17:33 (35,65, kip swings)

  4. 7:30pm
    Alex / Missy - 16:19 (35KB, 65/85 Barbell)
    Austin / Cassandra - 15:45 (35KB, 65/95 Barbell)
    Blaire / Greg - 15:39 (35KB, 83/95 Barbell)

  5. 5:30
    Sam F./Coleen 13:43 115/rx
    Matt B./Matt E. 14:40 rx
    Jeff P./Sam B. 10:55 rx
    Siva/Bhargav 16:38 95/45-35
    Dana/Britt H. 13:55 row/85
    Randy/Joe S. 11:05 rx
    Andrew M. 12:52 rx solo

    Katie/Braden 14:10 35-35-kip swing/ rx
    Eric S./Mae 15:37 26-65/75/band
    Gia/Becky 17:26 85#
    Steph M./Josh S. 14:50 85#/rx

  6. 7am
    Anna/jess mel 14:10 65#
    Ryan c/ben b 16:37 95#

    Aimee/Cate12:05 rx
    Em G 13:00 55# 1/2
    Mary/Jackie 15:30 85/rx
    Kev H 18:05 rx
