
W.O.D. 10.15.19

Join us on November 23rd for the 2nd Annual Bro-down, teams of two men will compete; we are offering scaled, rx and masters divisions.
  CLICK HERE to sign up today or as a volunteer.

3 Rounds for time of:
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Calorie Row
50 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10ft)

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” 
 ― Viktor E. Frankl


  1. 430
    Shawna 20:55 (5c2ba, 10#)
    Siva 23:02 (14#, pua)
    Jill h 17:01 (masters)
    Amm 22:34 rx

    Jilla 21:52 rx
    Josh mc 18:44 rx
    Olan 26:54 rx
    Larissa 21:15 (30 wb)
    Sydney 19:59 (masters)
    Micah 21:00 rx
    Roberto 23:01 rx

  2. Emily 25:22 10 BPU/3PU atts
    Alex 10 PUs

  3. 5:15/6a
    Kevin B 20:12 Rx
    Mike C 21:19 14#
    Mark Sp 20:18 Rx
    Colin R 19:33 Rx
    Jamie Spak 18:53 Rx
    Jeremy D 18:17 Rx
    Mike M 19:05 Rx
    Yex 19:14 Band C2B/10#
    Holly F 21:06 Band Pullups

    Webb 22:26 10 Band Pullups
    Danielle G 19:47 10C2B attempts
    Mak 21:48 Pullups

  4. 5:30
    Erin M. 23:09 rx
    Jeff P. 15:50 rx
    Jenna 23:34 rc
    Andrew M. 14:51 rx
    Katie R. 21:?? rr/6#
    Sam F. 20:56 16#/9'
    Colleen 19:36 PU
    Braden 18:31 rx
    Randy 18:40 rx
    Joey M. 22:50 rr/10#
    Jen C. 20:22 rx
    Britt 23:05 10PU/30 WB
    Dana H. 19:52 rx
    Bhargav 23:30 PU/14#
    Arun 23:40 rr/10#
    Joe S. 18:32 rx

    Steph C. 21:51 PU/35 WB
    Steph M. 24:10 rx
    Cory W. 19:45 rx
    Barb B. 19:19 rr/30 WB 10# to 8'
    Gia 23:06 C2B att
    Veronique (thanks for dropping in!) 20:32 rx

  5. 12:15
    Pete 17:18rx
    Subhan 25:08rx
    Pam g 21:58 8#/10strictpull
    Bridget 21:00rx
    Rich a 17:39 20#slam ball
    Remer 17:05rx

  6. Masters
    10 pulls ups
    25 cal row
    30 wall balls (14/10)

    Eileen 15:46 bnd/6#
    Cathy 16:18 bnd/6#mbsq
    Anne 15:34 25 reps/bnd
    Terry 16:14 rnd 1-bnd strict
    Gordy 12;56rx
    Mae 16:59 bnd
