
W.O.D. 10.10.19

3 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
50 Air Squats
50 Feet Handstand Walk

Community Note:
Tomorrow is our first Friday Night Lights for the 2020 Open. Join us starting at 3:30pm, it is a "Rock Your Team Color" theme night with a potluck after. Bring a snack or drink to eat or share!

“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” 
–Friedrich Nietzsche


  1. Anna 17:03 1k ass bike /25 hollow rock

  2. Kevin 12:54rx
    Colin 10:51rx
    Jamie 14:01, box walks
    Mark 14:15, box walks
    Chip 13:27,row, box walks
    Mike M 13:39rx

  3. 830
    Aimee 13:45 (row 500m)
    Cate 18:13 (row 500m)
    Lea 17:19 (row 500m, 25')
    Jenna 16:14 (5 wall walk ins)

    Matt T 13:03 (5 wall walk ins)
    Susan B 13:47 (kick up palm press x5)
    Emily G 15:00 (kick up, palm press x5)
    Katri 14:09 (wall walk ins, palm press)

    Remer 10:42 rx
    Carl B 10:52 rx
    Tim H 11:58 (2rds, 1000m bike, 5 wall walks)
    Bridget 12:53 (5 hs walk att)
    Haley 14:48 (wall walk ins)
    Subhan 14:46 (5 hs walk att)

    Dianne Mc 20:56 (row 500m, bear crawl, 15# seated press)
    Anne B 20:07 (500m row, bear crawl, 10 seated press 15#)
    Jill H 13:35 (200m run, 5 wwi)
    Mary H 15:05 (200m run, 25' hs walk)
    Cathy 17:34 (400m ski, 12# seated press)
    Terry 12:55 (200m run, wwi 5)
    Pam 13:40 (wwi x5)
    Gordy 14:46 (25' hs walk)
    Mom 12:41 (10# seated press, bear crawl, 200m run)
    Chris 17:50 (25' hs walk)
    Barb C 16:38 (200m run, box hs walk)
    Ina 17:51 (25' walk)

  4. 430
    Keith 14:17 (500m row)
    Micah 14:20 (30 air squats)
    Mike m 17:50 (kick ups)
    Karen 17:31 (kick up)
    Larissa 12:26 (wall walk x5)
    Kira 12:13 rx
    Becky 11:54 (hand shifts)
    Tunde 18:00 kick ups
    Donna g 14:36 hand shifts

  5. 530
    Joey m 17:34 (box walks)
    Shawna 18:55 (hand shifts)
    Austin 17:47 (hand shifts)
    Cassandra 18:14 (hand shifts)
    Andrew m 12:10 rx
    Joe s 15:40 rx
    Katie 20:10 (hand shifts)
    Braden 13:12 (wall walk in)
    Arun 18:10 (box walks, 400/400/200)
    Siva 18:42 (kick ups 5)
    Jeff p 11:15 rx
    Sam f 16:00 rx

  6. 630
    Laura st 15:35 (200m, 25’ hswa)
    Gia 17:00 (25’)
    Jess st 16:24 (wwi x5)
    Cory 17:59 (plates under heels)
    Michelle 17:30 (10 shoulder taps)
    Steph mc 13:33 rx
    Kim 17:21 (box walk)
