
Welcome Coach Jeff

We would like to welcome Jeff to our coaching squad at CrossFit King of Prussia!!

Jeff has been part of our community since early 2018 and recently passed his CrossFit Level 2!! 
You can find him coaching on Saturdays starting in late October.

READ BELOW to find out a little bit more about Jeff and make sure to welcome him to the team the next time you see him at the gym!

Growing up in Abington PA, I attended LaSalle College High School and Marist College. I participated in competitive athletics from an early age. These included local little league Baseball, middle and high school Football, high school and college rowing, and my primary sport of Swimming. I competed at the national level for both Swimming and Rowing and lived to better myself through training and competition. After graduating Marist College in 2005 there was a significant void in my life that I spent the next 8 years trying to fill. The Globo-gym was a Band-Aid, and participating in events like the Broad Street Run provided good but inconsistent goals to train towards. I was looking for an environment of fun, challenging, accountable fitness that reminded me of the lifestyle I grew up with. In August of 2013 I tried CrossFit for the first time and still remember the exact WOD I did. I was hooked immediately, the structure, the community, the opportunity to see marked progress was everything I was looking for. Fast forward to 2019 and my passion for bettering myself has expanded to a passion to help others better themselves through all the avenues CrossFit provides. To be able to see the impact coaches have on the community, their progress through their fitness journey, and overall enjoyment of life is something I am excited to contributing to here at KOP.

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