
W.O.D. 8.29.19

Congrats on the 100 Double Unders Micah!!!

Partner WOD: 
For Time: 
400 Double Unders // Resting partner holds DB at shoulders 
100 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35#) // Resting partner hangs from bar
400m Run together with DB 

 *Break up work as needed 
*One person carries DB on the run, switch as needed.

Endurance Note:
Meet at the Valley Forge Park Betzwood Trail Head for trail running intervals! Bring trail shoes if you have them otherwise any running shoes are great!

"Forgiveness for one's self is the only way we can keep going through life and give ourselves the best chance at being the best people we can be." 
- Yolanda Hadid


  1. 830
    Jenna and Aimee 14:26 rx
    Steph and lea 14:32 sc

    Emily and Shawn 14:31 (4:00 du practice, 30/50#)
    Jill h and marissa 16:14 (30#, su/ rx)

    Carl b and Kevin h 12:37 rx
    Pete d and Matt t 19:13 (200 du)
    Micah and remer 13:30 rx
    Bridget and Manisha (200 du, 35/25#)
    Tim and Kate 18:00 (100du, 35/15#)

    Pam and dad 13:17 (20#, 150 du)
    Mom/ Anne/ Dianne 16:20 (12/20/15#, 400 su)

  2. 6am
    Anthony D/Susan A 17:43 (400su, 100du/200su, 35/25#)
    Alfredo/Manny 19:35 (150su/150du, 150su)
    Meg O/Danielle G 15:22 Rx
    Jeremy/King 14:27 Rx
    Jeff G/Sam B 20:21 (35# run)
    Ellie H, Kevin B 13:37 Rx (run with 50#) (Ellie Rx+)

    Anna 15:00 scaled reps to 200 su, 20#snatch/plank,

  3. Villanova
    Cate/ Tyler 13:41 (25/ rx)
    Al/ frank 16:52 rx

  4. 430
    Jamie/ Dana d 12:37 rx
    Mike/ mark sp 16:55 rx
    Mike mit/ siva 18:52 (30/25, 200 du/ su)
    Dana h/ Natalie 15:25 rx

    Joe/ Braden 11:24 rx
    Raj/ bhargav 12:36 (30/ su, 30/ 100 du)
    Erin m/ clay 11:02 (su/rx)

    Andrews 14:40 (rx/ su, hang 20#)
    Kim/ Jess a 12:58 (20, su)
    Gia/ Laura st 14:42 (35/8, hang, su, 25# run)
    Fayth/ Steph c 15:47 (20#, 300du)
    Subhan/ Matt e 16:05 rx

    Missy/ Alex/ victor 19:56 (100 du, 30/25#)
