
W.O.D. 7.29.19

3 Rounds
AMRAP in 4 Minutes:
15 Thrusters (55/75)
10 Burpees
5 Bar Muscle Ups

4 Minute Rest between rounds

Coaches Notes:
Record total reps, begin at the thrusters each round. 

"We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in." 
- Ariana Huffington


  1. Anna 162,35,PU,BPU
    Mike P 119, 3 BMU
    Laura S 110,8 thrusters,JBMU
    Sam M 146,C2B
    Ryan 118,RR
    Larissa 116,JBMU

  2. 930
    Jackie 123 (jbmu with box)
    Mary 143 (33, 3c2b)
    Caitlyn 132 (c2ba)
    Shawn 140 (65, pu)
    Jill h 134 (45, pu)
    Jess a 129 (33, 6 burpees, bar row)
    Jess m 174 (36, band strict pu)

  3. 5:15/6a
    Mark S 147 Str C2B
    Jeremy D 167 C2B
    Holly F 96 Band Strict C2B
    Jamie S 202 10 C2B
    Yex 176 Band strict Pu
    Christine R 137 45#/Strict PU
    Mike San 108 53#/Band
    Mike C 128 BMUA/C2B/65#
    Ellie H 127 Band/Strict Pullups
    Kevin B 154 3MU per round
    Anthony D 109 60#/Pullups
    Susan A 139 45#/Jump MU

    Julia C 149 Band Strict Pullups
    Danielle G 159 Strict Pullups Band
    Michael M 105 Box JMU
    Sam B 170 Box JMU
    Meg O 167 Rx
    Justin C 201 DB(25)/Ski/RR
    Jeff G :)
    Ben M 151 65#/Box JMU 17"

  4. 330
    Steph V 138 (band pu, 35 rom)
    Keith B 146 rx
    Donna G 140 (jmu, 45)
    Roberto 132 rx
    Julie R 106 (band att)
    Micah 172 rx
    Liz H 115 (45, pu)
    Lea W 157 (3 aimee asst)

    Alex Tu 120 (55, 2 att/ 3 c2b)
    Tommy 132 (53, kip swing)
    Tom 194 rx
    Subhan 120 rx
    Lily 148 (3 band bmua)
    Mike M 122 (jbmu, 55)
    Karen 140 pu
    Tori 148 pu
    Matt Bo 116 (att x2, 3 c2b)
    Siva 90 (5 pu, 35)

    Jeff P 170 rx
    Dana H 123 rx
    Dana D 159 rx
    Brittany 104 pu
    Andrew m 189 rx
    Colin 163 rx
    Natalie 129 bmu
    Sam F 110 pu
    Marissa 150 rx
    Samson 157 rx
    Raj 121 c2b
    Rekha 91 (kip, 15#)
    JP 139 rx

  5. Dave N 46+32+34=112 (C2B)
    Yasmine 50+52+36=138 (55# DL, band)
    Mike Roth 57+43+30=130 Rx
    Missy 45+40+40=125 (35#, pu)
    Neil D 50+46+47=143 (C2B)

  6. 12:15
    steph c 145 33/4bndbmua
    faith 154 33/5 pull ups w/floss
    rich a 164rx
    pete d 180 7c2b
    kevin h 170rx
    remer 172 rx

    aimee 183rx
    jenna 141 2BMU

    Barb Z 125 23 bnd pull/7bur
    eileen 144 15/jbmu
    john 135 33/jbmu
    ina 111 Fs/jbmu
    pam 200 FS/spull
    terry 138 33/jbmu
    jack 126 45 to 24"box, jbmu
    anne 142 33/jbmu

  7. Bhargav 110 55/mua
    Erik 103 JMU
    Laura St 100 35/pu
    Jess S 114 jmu
    Molly 104 jmu
    Kim 79 jmu/35
    Stphe Mc 116 Rx
    Chak 120 jmu
