
W.O.D. 6.9.19

Bench Press

Cash out:
4 Rounds:
15 Burpees
10 Ring Dips
(time cap 10 minutes)

“The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.” 
– Thomas Babington Macaulay

1 comment:

  1. Scores are listed as 1RM (5RM - 3RM); cashout time

    Mike M 185 (145-165) ; 9:30 band
    Joe M 205 (175-185) ; 7:45 band
    Laura A 145 PR! (115-130) ; 6:46 box
    Jamie Sp 130 (115-125) ; 8:20 (DBPP 35#)
    Dana D 105 ( :) ); 10:00 cap
    Erika R 100 (75-90) ; 10:05 cap band
    Mark Sp 200 PR! (165-185) ; 9:58 Rx
    Andre (225 (165-210) ; 9:50 band

    Mae Bamboo ; 9:30 (DBPP 20#)
    Suzanne 95 (65-85) ; 7:16 band
    Sydney H 105 PR! ( :) ); 10:08 band
    Jill H 115 ( :) ) ; 9:57 box
    Kevin H 245 ( :) ) ; 6:30 Rx
