
W.O.D. 6.3.19

For time:
200 Meter Farmers Carry (20/35# Dumbbells)
50 Dumbbell Push Press
25 Weighted AB-mat Sit-ups (one dumbbell)
200 Meter Farmers Carry (20/35# Dumbbells)
25 Dumbbell Push Press
50 Ab-mat situps
200 Meter Farmers Carry (20/35# Dumbbells)
75 Dumbbell Snatch
200 Meter Farmers Carry (20/35# Dumbbells)

(Dumbbell Weight 20# ladies/ 35# men)

“Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.” 
– Susan Gale


  1. Evie 17:46 Rx
    Lea 15:46 Rx
    Jess m 18:45 rbs 35 (For sit-up)
    Sam b 18:44rx

  2. 5:15/6a
    Nikki M 22:15 Rx+ (25/35#)
    Kevin B 19:20 Rx
    Anthony D 21:52 25#
    Lily 20:24 Rx
    Ellie H 17:16 Rx
    Ben M 19:46 30#
    Holly F 20:04 15#
    Mike S 23:56 25#
    Webb E 19:10 25#/Reg Sit ups
    Jeremy D 16:13 Rx
    Brian S 17:54 Rx
    Neil D 20:09 30#
    Ellie P 15:44 15#
    Sean S 15:37 Rx
    Chip 19:52 20# situps
    Birthday Girl (DD) 17:23 Rx
    Meg O 16:59 Rx


  3. 930
    Shawn 22:15 rx
    Katri 18:11 (reg sit ups)
    Jilla 19:32 (25# plate, 35#db snatch)
    Jackie h 24:03 rx
    Mary h 19:39 (15#)
    Julia c 18:41 (15#, reg sit ups)
    Delaney 19:50 (15#)
    Sam mc 21:40 rx
    Caitlyn b 19:36 rx
    Amanda k 20:49 rx
    Anna c 19:11 (15#)

  4. 12:15
    Cherie 22:37 rx (1st RX!)
    barb B 18ish 10/rom situp
    braden r 16:23 rx
    Rich a 16:41 rx
    pete d 20:43rx
    micah 19:50rx
    dave h 16:44rx

    Aimee 14:08rx
    Gordy 16:45 25
    Joe S 15:29 rx
    Jenna 16:46 rx
    Steph V 21:00 rx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 1pm Masters
    For time:
    200 Meter Farmers Carry
    25 Dumbbell Push Press
    25 Situps
    200 Meter Farmers Carry
    25 Dumbbell Snatch
    25 Weighted Situp
    200 meter Farmers
    25 Dumbbell Push Press
    25 situps
    200 meter Farmers Carry

    Ina 16:29 15# (one arm)
    Laurie 13:20 10#
    Dianne 17:10 12/RKBS 26#
    John B 16:38 20#
    Eileen 13:30 8#
    Terry J 15:14 15#
    Anne B 15:26 15#
    Pam G 13:20 20#, 1 arm, all weighted sit
    Joe D 17:10 25#/10# for sit

  7. 330
    Ellie G 16:02 (15#)
    Donna G 17:13 rx
    John Mc 24:54 rx
    Bridget R 15:41 rx

    Tommy 23:10 (30#)
    Subhan 20:30 rx
    Larissa 21:41 rx
    Keith 20:10 rx
    Alex T 25:35 (25#)
    Olan 24:54 rx
    Karen M 21:58 rx
    Matt Bo 22:40 rx
    Natalie 15:33 rx
    AMM 17:09 rx
    Mike M 25:41 (30#)
    Kevin H 22:20 rx

    Raj 21:29 (25# rx+)
    Farrah 22:48 (15#/10#)
    Laura A 13:39 rx
    Andrew M 14:47 rx
    Erin M 15:05 rx
    Jeff P 16:04 rx
    Shawna 19:58 rx
    Sam F 22:03 rx
    King 19:34 rx
    Jp 16:41 rx
    Randy 17:20 rx
    Alex Th 15:23 rx
    Alona 14:48 rx
    Tom R 15:18 (40#) rx+
    Erika 20:21 (25#) rx+

  8. Neil 21:12 Rx
    Lucas 20:06 Rx
    Ro 20:32 (15/10#)
    Tyler K 19:06 Rx
    Missy 22:20 Rx
    Alex B 20:17 Rx
    Dave 29:10 Rx
    Karen 18:37 (15#)

  9. 6:30

    Stephanie C 16:48 15
    Fayth 18:36 15
    Sarah 19:01 15
    Kim 18:22 15
    Michael C 17:35 25
    Jess S 18:30 15
    Samson 17:49 25
    Colleen 14:28 Rx
    Marissa 17:08 Rx
    Matt D 16:27 FRx
