
W.O.D. 6.14.19

Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th, 2006. 
To Daniel's family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.


 For time: 
50 Pull-ups 
400 meter run 
65/95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 
800 meter run 
65/95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 
400 meter run 
50 Pull-ups

CLICK HERE to compare to 3.28.19

"No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance." 
- Ramana Maharshi



  1. Chip 21:27, 20# wallballs
    Evie 20:33rx
    JP 18:41rx
    Neil 21:30,75, 70 PU
    Anna 18:04, scale
    Molly :)
    Manisha 23:32,55

  2. 930
    Emily g 19:48 (55#, 25 pu band)
    Caitlyn 24:39 rx
    Mike Roth 18:42 rx
    Matt t 18:27 (30 db)
    Lucas dnf
    Abby 17:52 (21 band pu, 45#)
    Mak 19:03 (25 pu)
    Mary h 19:56 (25 pu, c2 bike, 55# pp)
    Jackie 24:20 (30 pu, 50 rr)
    Shawn 24:30 (75#)
    Lily 25:32 rx first!!!
    Tori 27:17 (25 pu rd2)

    Karen 21:07 (45#, rr)
    Erin 18:15 rx
    Gordy 20:27 (75#)
    Colleen 20:24 rx
    Matt d 20:25 (65#)
    Rich a 18:05 rx
    Pete d 21:23 rx
    Bridget r 22:39 rx
    Kevin h 18:35 rx
    Kevin t 20:50 (75#)

  3. 330
    Erinn 18:15 1/2 rr
    Braden 16:56rx pr!
    Joe s 15:35 Rx Pr!
    Jeff p 14:54 Rx Pr!
    Remer 14:05rx

  4. 4:30
    Roberto 20:32rx
    Alex tu 26:22 65/rr
    Micah 18:17rx
    Ellie 24:34 55/rr(last round)
    Cory 21:32rx
    Natalie 19:04rx
    Suzanne 21:47 33/bnd

  5. 5:15/6a
    Jamie Sp 2042 Rx
    Mark Sp 23:10 RR
    Nikki M 20:01 RR/FS@85#
    Theresa L 20:43 Rx
    Laura A 19:32 RR
    Holly F 25:10 50#/RR+Band Pullups
    Mike S 25:21 65#/RR+Pullups
    Kevin B 19:52 Rx PR!
    Dana D 19:39 Rx
    Jeremy D 17:32 Rx
    Ellie H 24:47 25RR+25 pullups

    Danielle G 21:18 Rx
    Sam B 20:52 Rx
    Brian S 18:50 Rx
    Julia C 19:13 55/30 ROM Pull Ups
    Laura S 20:23 55#/25ROM Pullups

    Ryan S 18:45 85#
    Gia 23:46 Rx
    Hasan 21:08 75#
    Jess S 22:17 55#/ROM Pullups
    Dan M 20:23 75#

    Kim 27:30 45#/40 Pullups
    Becky 22:46 10 Pullups+15RR/50RR
    May 20:24 35#/20 Band Pullups+20 RR
    Michael 20:00 75#/15 Band Pullups/15 RR
    Tyler 19:13 Rx PR!!
