
W.O.D. 6.13.19

For time:
45 Calorie Row
45 Hang Power Clean (65/95#)
45 Pistols
30 Calorie Row
30 Hang Power Clean (95/135#)
30 Pistols
15 Calorie Row
15 Hang Power Clean (125/185#)
15 Pistols

Community Notes:
This weeks CF Endurance running workout will meet just inside Valley Forge Park at the Yellow Springs Road Trail parking lot. Bathrooms are available in this parking lot, and it is across from the Mount Joy Trailhead. You can use either 410 Yellow Springs Road or the Trailhead name. Be there at 6pm sharp or good luck finding us!

All WEEKEND classes will be held in the Annex, 110C DeKalb Street; meet and park there. 

"I'd rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed." 
- Robert H. Schuller 


  1. 6/7am
    Theresa 23:00 65/85/105 sc pistols
    Manisha 23:11 55/65/75 sc pistols
    Meg O 18:36 Rx
    Nikki 24:20 Rx
    King 21:45 95/115/135 box pistols
    Chip 24:04 box pistols
    Yex 21:12 65/75/85 sc pistols
    Ellie 24:35 65/85/105 pistol rom

    Alex B 22:07 65/95/105
    Neil 22:05 95/125/155 sc pistols
    Joe C 18:50 65/95/125 box pistols

  2. 830
    Aimee 21:41 rx
    Jenna 22:59 ball
    Steph 18:30 (33/53/83, box)
    Lea 18:07 ball

    Caitlyn 25:31 (65/85/105, foot behind)
    Mary h 21:20. (55/65/75, air squat)
    Mak 21:03 wb+plate
    Delaney 27:53 (35/55/75, ball)
    Julie r 22:50 (65/85/105, foot behind)
    Ben 27:31 (95/125/125)

  3. 1215
    Carl 18:54 rx
    Keith 20:17 rx
    Matt t 22:23 (65/95/125, pole)
    Shawn 22:15 (95, pole)
    Jp 25:47 rx
    Pete d 25:56 (95/125/145, rom)
    Meredith 22:47 (55/65/75, band)
    Cherie 22:50 (53/63/73, box)
    Tim h 24:53 (65/95/125, band rom)
    Randy 23:15 rx
    Chris s 24:23 box

    Masters 30/20/10 reps
    Mom 18:15 (35/40/45, 17”)
    Dad 15:45 (53/63/73, 17”)
    Pam 16:02 (65/85/105, 13”)
    Barb c dnf
    Terry 17:00 (55/65/75, 17”)
    Ina 19:50 (45/55/55, 17”)

  4. 430
    Sydney H 23:54 (55/65/75, 30/20/10 sc pistol)
    Dana d 28:31 (65/95/115)
    Tommy 25min wish (75/75/85, foot)
    McHugh 30:51 (rom, 95/125/145)
    Josh =]
    Natalie D 23:07 foot
    Bridget 24:22 (65/95/115)
    Lily 24:24 (65/85/105, foot)
    Donna G 19:49 (65/85/95, foot)
    Brian 17:23 air squat
    AMM 21:07 (65/85/85)
    Karen M 23:21 (65/85/95, foot)
    Remer 22:02 rx
    Matt Bo 23:49 (95/135/155, foot)
    Jerry 23:15 (75/95/125, box pistols)
    Jill H 22:56 (65/85/95, foot)

  5. 530
    Jess s 22:52 (75, foot)
    Samson 21:59 (95/115/135)
    Jen c 24:05 bike
    Amanda k 23:00 (65/75/85, bike)
    Shawna 23:52 (65/85/105, foot)
    Matt d 23:08 (65/85/95, foot)
    Erinn 20:00 (65/85/105, foot)
    Colleen 19:24 (foot)
    Sam f 18:46 (sa clean, 30/40/50 foot)
    Raj 24:33 (bike, foot)
    Jeff h 24:35 (foot, 95/135/135)
    Joe s 16:47 rx
    Andrew m 18:47 rx
    Braden 24:11 rx
    Mike c 22:35 (75/95/115, foot)
    Twinnie 23:19 (65/65/85)
    Alex th 22:17 (65/85/105, foot)
    Laura 20:47 (65/85/105, bike)
    Todd 22:45 (foot)
    Cory w 19:19 (95/115/165, foot)
    Micah 21:20 (foot)
    Roberto 25:22 (95/115/135)

  6. 630
    Fayth 21:44 (55/65/75, box)
    Steph c 22:03 (55/65/75, ball)
    Lucas 23:58 foot
    Chak 23:18 (65/75/95, foot)
    Tyler 24:12 rx
    Hasan 22:08 (75/85/105)
    Laura st 23:16 (mb clean, box)
    Dan m 21:20 (75/95/135, 1/2 pistols)
    Matt e 22:16 (95/125/145, box)
    Gia 24:45 (65/85/100(95), ball)
    Molly m 23:30 (65/85/95(85), box)

  7. 730
    Alex b 26:05 (65/75/85, 17”)
    Ellie 26:13 (55/75/95)
    Christine r 23:59 (65/75/85, ball)
    Neil 26:32 rx
    Like 29:31 (75/95/115, bench)
    Missy 23:58 (35/45/55, 17”)
