
W.O.D. 4.6.19


For those that do not know, it is our fearless leader's birthday.  I posted this picture because it is one of my favorites of her.  In it, I see her passion, dedication and humility.  If you see Aim today, give her a big ole hug and wish her a wonderful day.  I will not interrupt her programming as I normally do because Aim is punishing those that show up at 7am but in honor of Aim, do 41 burpees today and post time to comments.  Let's see how many we can get.  I love you baby and thanks for all that you do for ALL of us.  Happy Birthday!

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
15 Power Snatch (65/95#)
400 Meter Run
15 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (65/95#)
400 Meter Run

"Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances." 
- J. Donald Walters


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  2. 9:00

    Special Ca$hOut 41 burpees. Times are listed 2nd

    Nikki 3+1 Rx 2:06
    Megan 2_31 Row 1:24
    Mark S 2+25 Rx 2:19
    Chak 2+31 65 2:30
    Phani 2+16 65 2:49
    Subhan 2:31 Rx
    Matt D 2:31 55 2:08(pullups)
    Jess S 2+13 55 2:29


    Alica 2+15 Rx
    Olan 2+15 Rx 2:29
    King 2+27 Rx 1:58
    Esra 2+15 Rx :)
    Raj 2+16 Rx :)
    Micah 2+31 Rx 2:06/1:43(he did it twice)
    Alex B 2+15 45 3:45
    Natalia 2+15 55 :)
    Yex 2+15 Rx 2:12
    Roberto 2:16 75 2:06
    Pete D 2:15 Rx 1:52
    Fayth 2+6 55 3:20
    Missy 2+5 45 3:54
    Ushitia 2 15/35 :)
    Amanda 2+15 35 :)
