
W.O.D. 4.25.19

CrossFit Endurance - Day 1

AMRAP in 24 Minutes:
(Partner Workout - "You go, I go", alternating FULL Rounds)
Partner A: 1 Round Mary
Partner B: 1 Round Mary
Partner A: 1 Round DT
Partner B 1 Rounds DT

5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Pistols (alternating legs)
15 Pull-Ups

12 Deadlifts (105/155#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
6 Push Jerks (105/155#)

  Community Notes:

CrossFit Endurance BEGINS TODAY Thursday (4/25) with Coach Tim at 6:00 PM at the box.

Join us Sunday, April 28th at 11:30AM for Brunch and Brews (A FUNDRAISER) for Steve’s Club King of Prussia! Bring your family and friends for Brews and Brunch! Your admission includes a brunch buffet by Wild Radish Caters, Drinks, Live Music, Door Prizes, a Silent Auction, Bar Games and more! All ages are welcome! ALL Proceeds will go directly to Steve's Club King of Prussia!

“There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” 
—Michael Phelps


  1. LP for Coach TP

    Rasean & Kevin B: 14 rounds + 5 (115#/ab mat)
    Chip & Sean S: 16 rounds + 2 C- some scales S - Rx
    Mike S & Ben M: 13 rounds + 10 scale
    Jamie S & Theresa: 16 rounds + 25 (95# Theresa)
    Mike P & Jereme: 15 rounds + 21 (135, pistol scale)
    Dana D, Danielle G, Ellie H: 15 rounds + 9 scaled

    Alex B, Christina R, Neil D: 14 rounds (65#, 2 ab mats, band)
    Me O & Nikki: 19 rounds --nikki front squat sub for PJ

  2. 830
    Aimee and cate 21+ 7 rx
    Jilla and lea 21 (lea- Cindy sc)

    Marni/ Joey 13+ 4 sc
    Noel/ emily g 13+23 (115/65, mb/ box, band, abmat)
    Larissa, Manisha, Susan a 15+25 (55/65, sc)

    Carl/ remer/ Dave h 16 (135/rx/rx)
    Gordy/ Bridget 15+5 (115/85)
    Karen/ matt d 18 (45, rr, 75, kick up, rom pistol)
    Marissa/ barb b 12+15 (1ab, 23# Cindy)
    Pete d/ subhan 18 (115, 2ab)

    Masters (Cindy/ dt)
    Barb/ Anne 14+ 21 (53/45#, band)
    Pam/ Ina (db dt at 15/20/25, rr/ rx pull up, snake)

  3. Villanova
    Kira/ Ashley 20+6 (box, sb, 8pu,85)
    Gabriella/ Tyler 14+19 (box, push up, band, 45, 1ab)
    Bri/ Lauren 14+3 (push up, sc pistol, 65, band)
    Frank =)
    Cate/ heather 13+3 (65, ball,1ab, push up, 75)

  4. 430
    Julie r/ Laura a/ mak 17+1 (95,13” pistol, 3ab/ rx/ 85, sc 1ab)
    Jill h/ Sydney 17+9 (75, Cindy)
    Mike m/ karen m 20+35 (85, Cindy)

  5. 530
    Joe s =)
    Esra/ raj 16 (135, Mary sc, 2ab, 1/2 pu, pistol rom)
    Josh mc/ Ryan w 16 (135, rom pistol, 95)
    Merna/ Sarah j 14 (rr, pistols, push up, 65/23)
    Andrew m/ Cory/ Todd 15+16 (rx/rx/ pistol rom)
    Colleen/ Alex th 18+7 (95, Cindy, 85, 2ab, rom pistol)
    Erinn/ Shawna 21+2 (1 ab, pistol, rom, rr, 80/ Cindy 85)

    Jess squared 18+9 (75, Cindy)
    Dani/ Suzanne 14+21 rx
    Caitlyn/ twinnie 13+2 sc
    Beauty and the beast (Greg a and Gia) 14+20 (1ab, 65/105)
    Bhargav/ Roberto 13+2 sc
    Phani/ chak 13+20 (95, sb)
    Samson/ mike c 14+11 (95, 2ab)

    Hasan/ dan/ joao 13+19 sc
