
W.O.D. 4.19.19

Take 15 Minutes to Build to a heavy 3 RM Power Clean and Jerk (touch and go)


5 Rounds for time of:
5 Power Clean and Jerks (105/155#)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Community Notes:
Join us on Saturday (4/20) at 9:00 AM for a CrossFit Egg Hunt WOD (bring the Kids) and at 10:00 AM for a FREE friends and family workout (all levels and abilities welcome).

We will be CLOSED on Easter Sunday.

Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.
― Lao Tzu


  1. 9:30 AM
    Olan 185 11:54 135#
    Dana H 125 11:36 Rx
    Tim H 154 13:04 (PU/110/2 rds 5 PU)
    Larissa 45 12:29 35#C2BA
    Mak 135 13:10 105/C2BA

  2. 515
    Sean 205,8:56rx
    Ellie 100,10:30,85,7 band pu
    Mike S 120,12:29,105,1/2 c2b,1/2 pu
    Christine 85,11:04,65,1/2 pu att
    Ben 145,11:41,DL

    P. Meg 140,8:22rx
    Theresa 120,10:14rx
    Chip 220,9:26,135,pu

  3. 7:00

    Missy 80 10:12 60band
    Alex Br 100 11:05 75/5pu
    Anna C 75 8:40 55 pu
    Danielle 140 8:08 pu
    Sam B 165 7:37 RR

  4. 12:15
    Moogan 165# 11:55 132# PU
    Aimee 145# 5:51 Rx
    Steph V 113# from blocks 7:06 83# from blocks/kip RR
    Kevin T 155 9:35 125#
    Pete D 130 9:24 135#
    Mark S 155 12:27 135# strict
    Jamie S 145# 8:47 rx
    Dana D 120 (125x2) 9:21 95#
    Randy 165 10:36 135#
    Mike P 165 10:50 Rx
    Cory 185 9:49 Rx
    Sam F 155 10:51 105#
    Greg A 150 12:36 115#
    Bridget 105 12:06 85# C2B ROM
    Subhan 165 8:54 (115/7PU)
    Julie R 115# 10:00 85# 5 PU
    Rich A 215 7:19 Rx
    Alona 120 (125 x2)10:22 95# PU

  5. 3:30pm
    Erin M 105 9;12 5c2b/5pull, 85
    barb b 50hng 8:04 35hng/rr
    dave h 185 9;45rx
    nikki 135 7;31rx
    remer 205 10:01rx
    donna 115 9:27 bndc2b/85

    colleen 125 7:58 5c2b
    natalie 125 9:29rx
    andrew m 210 4;49rx
    roberto 135 12;44 115
    keith 225 13;49rx
    alex tu 135 10;52 95/5c2b
    RAJ 155 9:47 5pull
    regi 115 8:55 85/5c2ba
    alicia 115 11:40 4rndsrx
    josh m 175 9:35 135
    Hasan 135 5:50 RR/95

  6. 5:30
    Bhargav: 80; 9:18
    Matt D: 110 10:48 85
    Neil D: 225 11:56 rx
    Caitlyn B: 105; 11:30 85 c2bA
    Steph M: 120; 11:44 85
    John M: 155; 8:53 105 rr
    Jeff P: 245; 6:57 rx
    Jen C: 135, 6:59 rr
    Ushita: 33 10:22
    Jess S: 90, 10:01 65 pu
    Kim S: 65; 10:52 35

    Joao: 145 10:25 95 rr
    Michael M: 125 16:01 85 jerk, rr
    Dani A: 115 9:00 95 c2b
