
W.O.D. 4.13.19

All for time:
Run 800 Meters
Deadlift (155/225#)
Thruster (65/95#)
Row 1000 Meters

Community Notes: 
Today is International Weightlifting Day. 
FREE Intro to Lifting at 11am
Special seminar for Clean and Jerk and Snatch from 12pm- 3pm with Coach Jim Rutter.

"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results."
- Wade Boggs

1 comment:

  1. Jess S: 19:30 60pp 115
    Jess M: 15:53 3 min bike 90lb
    Christine R: 18:48 45, 115
    DanSam: 19:$2 205 85
    Jeff G: 21:wish 75, 115

    Ushita: 19:32 35, 15
    Kevin H: 18:50 RX
    Matt D: 16:45 155, 65
    Pete D: 19:56 RX
    Micah 18:14 RX
    Jen H: 20:38 85,35
    May: 20:28 row, 155, 35
    Olen: 20:59 75
    Suzanne: 16:32 60, 80
    Chak: 22:45 165 80
    Phani: 21:15 155,65
    Remer: 18:01 RX
    AB: 21:57 RX!!!
    Neil D: 20:56 RX
    Alona: 17:40 RX
