
W.O.D. 4.10.19

7 Rounds (for 21 Minutes):
(On the 3 Min)
Run 400 Meters
12 Toes to Bar

Coaches Notes:
If you complete the 400 Meter Run and 12 TTB prior to 3 the three minute window you will rest in the remainder of that time.
If you cannot complete the work within the 3 minutes, scale reps of the Toes to bar or the distance of the run.

"You have to stay focused and be mentally tough. That's what I've really learned: every day is a grind, and you have to go hard." 
- Chris Gronkowski


  1. 515am
    Jamie S Rx
    Kevin B Rx
    Jeremy (ghd situps)
    Laura Alt. (ghd situps)
    Mark S (ghd situps)
    Jess M ( .5 cycle bike/knee raises)
    Laura Smith (rom t2b)
    Theresa (-10 t2b)
    Ellie H -4 (1/2 ghd, 1/2 t2b)

    Jeff G -12 reps
    Jeff Ma. -7 reps
    Matt D -5 reps

    Mike P -7 reps

  2. 9:30. BAC!

    Jackie H. 300m/GHD
    Mary H. Row/GHD
    Jill H. 300m/6 ttb att+6 kr
    Shawn W. 8 ttb/4 kr
    Edwin L. Sit-ups
    Evie B. 6 ttb/rnd
    Lea W. Last 4 rnds@3:30
    Emily 6 kr
    Christine R. 300m/6 kr
    Donna G. 6 GHD
    Larissa T. Ttb att
    Sabrina M. Rx
    Ina S. 300m/ttb att
    Nikki M. Rx
    Frank Rx

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Kevin H. 6 rnds 400m + tt pole
    Pete D. All but 1 rnd @200m
    Tim H. 1000m bike/6 kr
    Todd L. All but 1 rnd @300m+ 6 ttb
    Barb B. 200m + kr
    Cherie C. 200m/kr
    Matt T. Rx

  4. Villanova
    Matt rx
    Cate 300m
    Heather .5 bike/ 8 reps
    Gabriella 300m/ 6 kr
    Annette 200m/ 10ttba
    Tyler 2 rds @300m
    Mike m 6ttba

  5. 630
    Mike c ghd
    Gia 200m
    Karen s 200m/ 6 ttb
    Liz 200m, ttba/ ttp
    Erik 400/300m, 6ttba
    Kim 12/8/12 ttp
    Matt e 6ttb
    Mike Mc kr
    Jake 200m/ kr
    Hannah b 200m/ 12ttba and 1 rd ghd

  6. 4:30
    Jenna 3rnds 8ttb
    Keith 800m erg bike
    Alex tu 300m/8kr/6rnds
    Alicia DNF
    Remer rx
    Tunde 200m/kr
    Mike m 300m/6ttb
    Karen m 300m/6ttb
    Andrea 300m/ttba
    Josh s 7rnds/no interval

    Farrah 800m erg bike/for scale
    Merna 200m/6kr
    Sarah w 200m/6kr
    Alexxx 6ttb
    Dan Sam ghd
    Andrew m rx
    Sam f 6ttb
    Sam b vup
    Jen c ghd
    Josh m rx
    Alona 9-12ttb rom
    Noel 300m
    Dani 6ttb rom
    Rekha 200m/kr
    Danielle 6ttb
    Joe s 10 ttb for 3 rounds

  7. Greg a 8 ttb for last 2 rds
    Ellie 8 ttb
