
Girls on Girls X

GirlsonGirls is a fitness throwdown featuring reinterpretations of classic ‘Girl’ workouts like ‘Fran’, ‘Diane’ and ‘Helen’. The competition will feature three workouts and all will be performed as partners. 
*Floater or championship WOD may be included. 

Requiring equal parts lungs and strength, this competition will test the fittest females from around the Delaware Valley! 
 GirlsonGirls is split into two divisions – RX and Scaled. The RX division is appropriate for females with more than 1-2 years of CrossFit experience who are used to completing workouts ‘RX’d’ and who finish WODs in the top half of their local affiliate athlete pool. The Scaled division is appropriate for newer athletes that are used to scaling their workouts, or those with limited competitive experience. While we acknowledge that the split between RX and Scaled is not always clear, we have provided the following guidelines to help athletes calibrate themselves: 

RX Competitors: – Should perform most (90%+) of the Girl workouts RX’d and finish in the top half of their local affiliate athlete pool. – Possible movements and standards include: 65lb+ thrusters and snatches for reps, 95#+ clean/clean and jerks for reps, 155lb+ Deadlifts for reps, 20″box jumps, 14lb WallBalls to 9′ target, 53# kettlebell swings, kipping pullups (chin over bar AND chest to bar), toes-to-bar, handstand pushups, ring dips, and double-unders, pistols, and bar muscles. 

 Scaled Competitors: – Usually scale most (80%+) of the Girl workouts. – Should be able to handle weights that are within 70-80% of the RX standard for women. – Possible movements and standards include: 50#+ thrusters or snatches for reps, 75#+ cleans/clean and jerks for reps, 115lb Deadlifts for reps, 20″box jumps or step ups, 10lb WallBalls to 9′ target, 35# kb swings, kipping pullups, pushups, abmat situps, handstand holds, and double-unders (in lower volume). 

 CASH PRIZES for top 3 RX teams! 
SWAG BAGS for top 3 Scaled teams! Stay posted here for frequent updates, WOD announcements and more! 


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