
W.O.D. 3.15.19

For total time: 
3 rounds of:
 10 snatches
 12 bar-facing burpees

Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:

3 rounds of:
 10 bar muscle-ups
 12 bar-facing burpees

Women snatch 65 lb.
Men snatch 95 lb.

Time cap: 12 minutes

CLICK HERE for the standards and score card.

Community Note:
We are hosting the "Maltz Challenge" today at 1pm

Classes on Saturday (3/16) and Sunday (3/17) will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb. Please meet and park there.

Join us tonight for Friday Night Lights, Kettlebell Kitchen and New Heights Chiropractic and Nutrition will be onsite sampling food and giving chiropractic demos and info!

“All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” 
 – Calvin Coolidge


  1. 5:15a/6a
    Laura S 66, 7:37 Rx
    Theresa L 73, 4:31
    Jeremy D 89, 5:20
    Holly F 66, 8:51 sc
    Anna L 118, 4:01
    Sean S 98, 4:33
    Jess M 66, 8:00 sc
    Mike S 56 Rx

    Emily D 66, 8:40 Rx
    Danielle G 66, 5:59 Rx
    George W 84, 5:30Rx
    Chip 121, Pull ups (not in open)

  2. Update:
    Jess M 66, 8:00 Rx
    Nice job, Mama

  3. Roberto 86 75#/5 BMU per round
    Yex 125, 45#/Pullups
    Sam M ??, 65#/Box JMU

  4. Jason 66/ 6:30
    Tori 66/ 6:49
    Emily g 49
    Shawn w 93/ 6:22 sc no open
    Frank 93/ 5:42
    Panos 91/ 4:19
    Dana h 88/ 5:25
    Kevin h 103/ 5:14
    Moogan 70/ 6:17
    Jackie 66/ 5:14

    Bridget 67/ 5:20 first bmu!
    Rich a 104/ 4:13
    Matt t 66/ 7:21
    Pete d 73/ 5:06
    Karen =)
    Cherie 84 sc no open
    Subhan 92/ 5:02
    Joe c 89/ 5:40
    Susan a 66/ 7:36
    Olan 76/ 6:38 rx no open

  5. Julie r 66/ 5:51
    John mc 66/ 8:37
    Dave h 92/ 4:26
    Vinnie 96/ 4:45
    Jill 66/ 6:00
    Jess a 66/ 8:39
    Sydney 66/ 6:50
    Grace 66/ 4:58
    Donna 66/ 6:25
    Steph v 66/ 8:14
    Mike m 83/ 7:34

  6. Justin c 115/ 3:47 rx
    Ryan k 93/ 4:53 no open
    Karen m 66/ 6:14 rx
    Jeff h 66/ 6:38 rx
    Tunde 36/ 8:50 rx no open
    Johnathan b 89/ 6:46 rx
    Micah 89/ 4:34 rx
    Mark p 66/ 5:35 rx
    Andrew m 11:43 rx
    Angelo 110/ 4:28 rx no open
    Jenna 75/ 5:05 rx
    Matt d 1 rx
    Stripa 97/ 4:23 rx
    Erinn 115/ 5:08 sc no open
    Mike p 91/ 5:14 rx
    Colleen 66/ 5:24 rx
    Remer 113/ 3:24 rx
    Amm 68/ 5:58 rx
    Sam f 68/ 7:45 rx
    Aimee 121/ 3:44 rx
    Joe s 113/ 4:07 rx
    Josh s 85/ 6:26 rx
    Cory w 110/ 4:41 rx
    Matt b 66/ 6:11 rx
    Braden 112/ 4:13 rx
    Dance 74/ 6:26 rx
    Jilla 112/ 3:46 rx
    Jen C 85/ 4:45 rx
    Shawna 66/ 8:17 rx
    Jp 94/ 4:25 rx
    Jamie 66/ 3:47 rx
    Mark sp 66/ 5:40 rx
    Jeff p 102/ 4:20 rx
    Nikki 95/ 3:39 rx
    Natalie 66/ 4:40 rx

  7. Neil am 89/ 5:30 rx
    Kev Lukens 75/ 6:47 rx
    Keith 88/ 6:25 rx
    Alona 70/ 4:57 rx

    Alex th 66/ 5:13 rx
    Mike c 70/ 7:17 rx
    Jen s 66/ 8:11 rx
    Bryan s 71/ 6:49 rx
    Steph c 66/ 7:05 rx
    Randy 89/ 4:49 rx

  8. Alex Br 66 10:08
    Sam B 66 4:19
    Missy 51
    Ben M 66 6:48

  9. dad 66 9:00rx
    ina 97 6:16sc
    gordy 116 4:35 rx
    terry 67 8:02 rx
    Eileen 81 7:55 sc
    laurie 67 7:33 sc

  10. Manisha 66, 9:51 Rx
    Sean S (Re-do) 104, 4:15 Rx
    John K 68, 6:21 Rx
